This recipe is for a traditional apple pie which my mother has made for many years. The pastry is light short crust and is just strong enough to hold the pie together when being served. I enjoy making a pie which is fresh and tasty, I even freeze a portion as I find the pie to much of temptation to eat all within a few days.
I hope you enjoy the result!
Ingredients for a 12 in pastry dish
4oz (110g) cooking fat… Trek
4oz (110g) margarine ……Stork
8oz (220g) self raising flour
2oz (70g) sugar
2 lb apples a mixture of cooking apples and eating apples depending on taste
Making the Pie
Cold hands and use the ingredients straight out of the fridge.
Do not use a beater to mix the flour /margarine/fat/sugar together but crumble the contents together with your hands, do not overwork the mixture as this will loose the lightness of the finished texture.
Once the mixture has been mixed together then apply 2 table spoons of cold water, this will help to bind the ingredients together.
Smear the inside of the dish with margarine to stop the pie once cooked sticking to the side of the dish
Coat a clean table top or large chopping board with flour and then roll out half the mixture onto the board. Roll the mixture as thinly as possible coating the rolling pin while you roll.
Lay the finished rolled out pastry into the dish and then go round the edges first to ensure the pastry is in place and then on the top with a knife to ensure the edge of the pastry is straight with the edge of the dish.
Peel the apples and remove the cores, then cut the apples into thin shavings and then place the contents into the microwave for approx 2mins. The amount of cooking depends on taste, if you want an apple pie with a crunchy middle then 1 min in the micro wave is adequate but if you like the contents of your pie to be soft then you can leave the apples in the microwave for 4 mins.
Place the warmed apples into the dish and sprinkle sugar over the surface
Roll out the rest of the pastry again using flour to stop the pastry sticking to the roller or the surface of the table and place in onto the pie.
Make 3 lines in the middle for the contents to breath and coat the surface with a sprinkle of sugar and milk
Place in an oven at a temperature of 170c and cook for 25mins.
I hope you enjoy the result!
Ingredients for a 12 in pastry dish
4oz (110g) cooking fat… Trek
4oz (110g) margarine ……Stork
8oz (220g) self raising flour
2oz (70g) sugar
2 lb apples a mixture of cooking apples and eating apples depending on taste
Making the Pie
Cold hands and use the ingredients straight out of the fridge.
Do not use a beater to mix the flour /margarine/fat/sugar together but crumble the contents together with your hands, do not overwork the mixture as this will loose the lightness of the finished texture.
Once the mixture has been mixed together then apply 2 table spoons of cold water, this will help to bind the ingredients together.
Smear the inside of the dish with margarine to stop the pie once cooked sticking to the side of the dish
Coat a clean table top or large chopping board with flour and then roll out half the mixture onto the board. Roll the mixture as thinly as possible coating the rolling pin while you roll.
Lay the finished rolled out pastry into the dish and then go round the edges first to ensure the pastry is in place and then on the top with a knife to ensure the edge of the pastry is straight with the edge of the dish.
Peel the apples and remove the cores, then cut the apples into thin shavings and then place the contents into the microwave for approx 2mins. The amount of cooking depends on taste, if you want an apple pie with a crunchy middle then 1 min in the micro wave is adequate but if you like the contents of your pie to be soft then you can leave the apples in the microwave for 4 mins.
Place the warmed apples into the dish and sprinkle sugar over the surface
Roll out the rest of the pastry again using flour to stop the pastry sticking to the roller or the surface of the table and place in onto the pie.
Make 3 lines in the middle for the contents to breath and coat the surface with a sprinkle of sugar and milk
Place in an oven at a temperature of 170c and cook for 25mins.