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Zodiac Love Compatibility

Aries - Love Compatibility

You're attracted to fun-loving, gregarious individuals and you get on well with all the fire signs and being an Aries that's your element too.  Any of the three fire signs make good partners for you but especially the other two fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius.  You are a very physical character and good looks matter to you.  You also need and want a partner to love adventure, fun and good times as much as you do.  You enjoy people who are willing to take a risk.

Opposites attract which is why you get on well with your opposite sign of Libra.  Librans know how to be incredibly romantic and you'll certainly get the 5 star treatment if you're involved with a Libran.  They can help to calm you down as well, yet they won't let love grow cold.  All the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - know how to keep you stimulated, mentally as well as physically, and that can't be bad.  You don't want to be sitting at the breakfast table in 50 years time with nothing to say to one another.  You also like the quirky nature of the air signs and the fact that their motto is "variety is the spice of life".

The sign Scorpio is an interesting match for you as you're the two passion pusses of the zodiac.  Scorpio is ruled by fiery Mars, as you are, and you can be dynamite together, enjoying a good argument as much as more physical activity.  Don't forget that you are competitive though and you do tend to enjoy a good debate or even an out-and-out row.  The other water signs - Cancer and Pisces - are sometimes too soft for your liking, although they know how to make you swoon.  These signs are sometimes too clingy or too emotional for your liking and although their mood swings may be entertaining at first, passion is unlikely to last.

And finally the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - are great if you're ready to settle down to a nice comfortable, stable routine.  Bring out their sensual side and you'll definitely be satisfied in the bedroom.  Materially as well, the earth signs are great providers which is good for you if you're the type of Aries who's not very sensible with money.  But boredom may be a problem and if you're not ready for the pipe and slippers routine, then your best bet is to steer well clear.

Taurus - Love Compatibility

You can take your time choosing a suitable partner because you never rush into anything but if your partner is one of the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - you're virtually guaranteed security, commitment and a mutual desire for the good things in life.  You just need to watch out that the pair of you don't slow down so much that you come to a halt. 

This is especially the case if your other half is another Taurus.  It is a very sensual combination but you could easily become stuck in a rut with no-one willing to take the lead in the relationship.  That certainly won't be the case if you're with a Capricorn, as they love to lead and they're go-getting and dynamic, albeit in a leisurely, gentle kind of way.  They'll certainly keep you in the lifestyle you choose as they're very ambitious and often extremely successful.  With Virgo, they'll end up doing all the cleaning and rushing around for you, but as long as you chip in and keep some kind of order at home, it's another good pairing.

The water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - are all great for you.  You will love Pisces' dreamy nature, Cancer's need to feed and nurture you and Scorpio's sheer magnetic appeal.  Scorpio is your opposite sign in the zodiac and they say opposites attract.  You'll enjoy their ability to take the lead and to expand your psychological and emotional boundaries.  This is a very physical combination and the two of you are strong characters together.  This pairing should really appeal as you may be lazy at times but you're certainly no shrinking violet.

You can also find the fire signs a lot of fun, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, but they may wear you out.  Leo needs a lot of attention which you may not be prepared to give and both Aries and Sagittarius won't stand still long enough for you to work out if you're compatible after all.  They both like their freedom, however, and they may head off fast into the future before you have a chance to catch up.  Sagittarius in particular enjoys change as well, which is something you can find unsettling.

Finally the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - aren't always your cup of tea.  Your best bet out of the three is Libra, ruled by romantic Venus as are you, and they understand the importance of relationships and sensuality.  Aquarius' need for freedom will clash with your desire for security and you may find Gemini too much of a restless spirit.  Their mind games plus their constant movement could drive you bananas so you're probably best to steer well clear.

Gemini - Love Compatibility

Being a Gemini, your zodiac symbol is the twins and often you're not content with only one partner and usually you marry twice.  This can create problems but if your partner is another air sign - Gemini, Libra or Aquarius - you'll both enjoy being sociable and having lots of friends.  This should keep you entertained and may be just what it takes for the relationship to last.

All the air signs enjoy a good debate and whether you like doing the crossword together or telling one another jokes, it will be a match made in heaven.  Aquarius appreciates their freedom as you do, although you must remember with Libra that they are the sign associated with relationships and romance is the key to their love life.

Sagittarius is your opposite sign in the zodiac and as opposites attract, you do tend to get on well together, as you're both into adventure, big-time.  In fact, all the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - will turn you on.  Their spontaneous nature and enthusiasm for life are sure to make for an exciting partnership and you'll never be bored.

There'll be plenty of passion between you, although at times the fire signs may disappoint you mentally or intellectually.  If so, find yourself a few friends with whom you can debate the issues of the day and that will help to keep you satisfied.  Remember that a partner doesn't have to fulfil every role in your life, you can use your friends as well to have fun and keep your brain cells motivated.

The water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - are a different kettle of fish, but they certainly know how to fascinate and intrigue you.  You may tire of too much emotion, especially with Cancer, but you'll love Pisces' ability to dream and Scorpio's depth and intensity.  You and Scorpio both have an innate curiosity for life and you can have a soul mate connection between you.  You'll never be bored with a Scorpio although they will demand that you're faithful.  They can't bear anyone too flighty.

Finally the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - can sometimes be a non-starter as far as you're concerned.  They don't have as much get-up-and-go as you're used to, so you could end up twiddling your thumbs.  More to the point, you might decide to play away from home if there isn't a lot to keep you in one place and certainly if the relationship lacks excitement.

Cancer - Love Compatibility

Being a Cancer and one of the water signs means you're ruled by your emotions.  This is truer for you than for the other two water signs, Scorpio and Pisces, as your sign is also ruled by the light of the watery moon, which means a double dose of feelings.  You're really going to be happiest with another water sign as you're one too.  Caring Cancer, intuitive Scorpio and empathic Pisces - all three of the water signs will understand what makes you tick.

You have a very colourful imaginative life and need people close by, not just workmates or friends you meet down the pub, but true friends and real soul mate connections.  Scorpio is one of the best pairings for you because not only do they desire intimacy and are extremely faithful but they'll look after you too.  They tend to be the strong partner in a relationship.

You'll also love the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - as they offer you the security and stability you crave.  In particular you're turned on by people in power and your opposite star sign Capricorn is a great match for you and you'll enjoy their ability to take the lead.   Both Scorpio and Capricorn are very ambitious signs and good with money and you need to feel secure otherwise your emotions can get out of hand.  It's important that you create a steady home life for your own family and are able to care for them.

You're often especially attracted to the fire sign, Aries, who's another powerful character, someone who's more than willing to take the lead.  But the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - all have a lot of energy and you may end up feeling as you've "burnt out" with a fire sign.  They don't want to be tied down or fenced in and all three of the fire signs need their freedom so don't expect too many cosy nights at home, it's not usually their style.

Finally, you're often fascinated by a partner's mind, so the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - will catch your attention.  Unfortunately, they're unlikely to keep your attention as before you know it, they'll be off chatting to someone else.  They like to be sociable and on the move.  You want someone by your side day and night and if it is just you and the one you love, then so much the better.

Leo - Love Compatibility

Being a Leo, it's important to remember that you do like to be the centre of attention and this includes within a relationship.  Even though you'll adore all of the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - you may have a problem if your partner is another Leo, as the two of you will be vying for pole position in the partnership.  When the going's good, you'll treat one another royally and will both be in relationship heaven.  However, if things aren't going well, the problem is that neither of you will find it easy to back down and say sorry.  Sometimes a little bit of compromise is what's needed.

Both Aries and Sagittarius will be great fun to be with although they do like their freedom and if you're a loyal Leo, you won't appreciate it if they keep going off and doing something different.  You expect a partner to be by your side so you can experience life's adventures together. 

The air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - will certainly know how to turn you on and you'll love their quick minds and flattering words.  Romantic Libra is a good bet as in Libra you'll find yourself a partner who knows all the tricks of seduction and you'll be in seventh heaven when you're being wooed.  Libra also appreciates the importance of relationships and will be loyal to you.

Aquarius is your opposite sign in the zodiac and as you'll enjoy their quirky nature, it's a case of opposites attract.  They know how to make you laugh but again freedom could be an issue as Aquarius doesn't settle down easily.  Geminis are great fun but fly-by-night and you won't put up with their little white lies.  Honesty and integrity are important to you which, by the way, is something that Sagittarius has in bucketloads.

The water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - will dote on you, showering you with romance and affection.  But do remember that water puts out fire and your enthusiasm could be dampened by their volatile moods.  Scorpio's your best bet from the water signs and this is a very passionate pairing.  There'll certainly be plenty of drama to keep you entertained.

Finally, the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - aren't known for their demonstrative behaviour which could present something of a problem at the beginning.  But you'll enjoy their sensuality once you do get up and running and, what's more, both Taurus and Capricorn appreciate the value of money so they'll look after you well and enable you to indulge in your glamorous lifestyle.

Virgo - Love Compatibility

Being a Virgo means you can come across as being quite shy and, therefore, you are sometimes attracted to dynamic, confident partners like the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.  However, although you'll find the fire signs a lot of fun, what could be lacking is a little gentle understanding.  In addition, the fire signs are not always the cleverest of the star signs.  They're certainly bright but they won't be able to compete with your way with words, your love of witticisms and your intellectual ability.  In addition, apart from Leo who's loyal, the fire signs can stray away from home and you want to be part of the perfect couple.

You might be the last one to admit it but you do thrive on TLC (tender loving care) and you won't go far wrong with another earth sign - Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.  You'll not only find yourself a sensual lover with one of the earth signs but you'll also be well protected and cared for.  These are great pairings, except sometimes Taurus, especially if they're something of a lazy slob, which is guaranteed to turn you off.  Another Virgo will be as exacting as you are have high expectations of the relationship and a Capricorn will be an ambitious partner and want to treat you well.

The water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - know all about caring.  You share a lot in common with the water signs, especially your opposite sign of the zodiac, Pisces.  There's a slight danger that you'll end up mothering your partner if he or she is a water sign and when you're in a relationship, you'd be wise to curb your need to save others, as it doesn't help for a fulfilling love life.  With Cancer you'll get as good as you give and it really is a caring pairing.  Scorpio's exciting too and sexually this is a wonderful match and very loyal.

Finally, the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - will keep you entertained for ages as you try to work them out.  Gemini's your best bet of the air signs and you'll enjoy trying out new and varied activities together.  You both share the same ruling planet, Mercury, so it a heady affair and you'll love one another's intellect.  You and Libra will be the best-dressed couple in town and Aquarius will keep you entertained as well, although they won't want to be constantly by your side.  They'll certainly run a mile if you're critical, so smile sweetly and indulge their eccentricities.

Libra - Love Compatibility

Being a Libran, yours is the star sign that rules relationships and you're often attracted to the passionate, spontaneous fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.  Take care, however, that you don't end up being dominated by them as this won't suit you at all.  Your zodiac symbol is the Scales and you want and expect equality in your relationship.  Your opposite sign of the zodiac, Aries, will respect this but you may have to teach them what an equal partnership really means.

You and Leo make an adoring couple as you both love compliments, flattery and the good life.  It's a great match with a Leo as you're both prepared to work at the relationship, although their love of drama in a relationship won't turn you on.  Sagittarius is also a great pairing and you'll love the fact that they take risks and live life to the full, so you certainly won't be bored with them.

You get on extremely well with all the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - but apart from your own sign of Libra, the other two air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, may end up more interested in being just good friends rather than romantic lovers.  This will keep you entertained for a while but you do like romance in your life and you want to feel that you're special.

The water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - will appeal to you and they will appreciate your desire to take romance seriously.  You'll be allowed to wallow in the world of emotion and will enjoy every minute doing so.  Cancer can be overly clingy for your liking and Scorpio will demand intensity but you and Pisces will get along just fine.  You're both romantics, you both enjoy fantasizing and it's a very hedonistic combination.  You're both quite lazy though, so there may be no-one to take the lead.

Finally, the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - are extremely sensual.  The only problem is that romance isn't the be-all and end-all of their lives and you'll be disappointed if they'd rather get to work than spend an extra half hour in bed with you.  Taurus is your best bet among the earth signs and you both share the same ruling planet, Venus.  Again it's another lazy, hedonistic combination but as long as you don't mind having a partner who's laidback, this could be romantic bliss and that can't be bad.

Scorpio - Love Compatibility

Being a Scorpio, you need a passionate partner in your life and you're always attracted to the energetic fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - who match you in strength and power.  Aries and your star sign, Scorpio, share the same ruling planet, the passion planet Mars, and this is a real fighting combination.  You'll have great sex but also great arguments and it is an intense pairing.

Leo is proud and loyal, qualities you admire, although Sagittarius may be too much of a free spirit to keep your interest.  Don't forget that as one of the more emotional water signs, your feelings can be easily bruised.  Although the fire signs are intensely passionate, they can be lacking when it comes to sensitivity and the joys of intimacy.

A similar problem can arise with the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.  You're looking at Joe Cool with the air signs and although their intelligence and sarcastic wit leaves you drooling, their inability to understand your deeper emotions may leave you feeling unsatisfied at the end of the day.  Your mind, body and soul must be engaged before you can be completely fulfilled.

Your best bet of the air signs is Gemini as this is a real soul mate connection, the two of you are filled with curiosity for life and you have a lot in common.  Libra's terribly romantic but not really strong enough for you and they're uninterested in the dark side of life which fascinates you.  Aquarius is quite detached and loves freedom, although you will intrigue one another and it's a real game-playing combination.

Heart meets heart when you get together with another of the water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.  A relationship with any one of these three will keep you happy for a very long time.  Two Scorpios together is blissfully passionate and intense, although a Cancer or a Pisces would be a more relaxed pairing.  As long as neither becomes too clingy, you'll enjoy the depth of feeling and emotion that arises within the relationship.

Finally, you'll bring out the more sensual side of the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.  Taurus is your opposite sign of the zodiac and, being a Scorpio, you do crave commitment and with the earth signs, that's what you'll get.  Taurus is very sensual but your best bet is a Capricorn.  Bring out their more earthy side and they are a real rock to lean on.  They'll be by your side for the rest of your days and as Capricorn tends to mature like a fine wine, your relationship will get better and better.

Sagittarius - Love Compatibility

Being a Sagittarius, you view a relationship as an opportunity to explore and learn, two of your favourite pastimes.  Your best bet for a fulfilling relationship is to find a partner who respects freedom within a relationship as much as you do and, in addition, has an optimistic outlook on life.  Any of the fire signs - Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - are a good bet for you as they won't try to tie you down.

Aries is a sign which often has one eye on the future and you'll be right there beside them.  Leo can sometimes be too demanding for your liking but as long as you adore them and they allow you to roam, this is certainly an exciting and passionate combination.  And two Sagittarians together? - well, more like good friends to be honest.  But then again, that might be just what you want.

The air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - will also fit the bill.  In particular, your opposite sign of Gemini will constantly delight you in thinking of new ways to spice up your relationship.  They're as flighty as you are but as long as you keep coming back together, you'll have a lot of fun.  Libra's a really good match too and they'll teach you a lot about romance and relating.  Aquarius is a fun combination as you have similar goals in life and both care about the world around you.

You're also attracted to people with spirit and the water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - will stimulate and arouse you.  The only problem for you with the water signs is their moodiness.  Being a Sagittarius, you are the eternal optimist and you don't deal well with black moods or strong emotions, unless they're feelings of joy.  Cancer may tie you down and Scorpio is intense.  Pisces is your best bet as they'll be as willing as you are to explore, experiment and lead a hedonistic lifestyle together.

It is boredom which is your biggest turn off and although the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - will keep you warm with their sensuality, what you really look for in a relationship is passion.  With the earth signs, that might just be missing unless you're prepared to stick around long enough to rev them up.  All of the earth signs will be honest, which is important to you at the end of the day but it's not the most exciting pairing you could ask for.

Capricorn - Love Compatibility

Being a Capricorn, you're a loyal partner and you will look after the one you love 100 percent.  All of the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - appreciate your ability to be faithful.  All three of you need to feel secure in life which is why marriage, career and money have such a strong pull.  Just be sure that you balance work and play and that you don't forget your other half when you're busy.

Taurus is a very sensual sign and the two of you together will be Mr and Mrs Money Bags - a lovely match.  Virgo is also a great partner for you and they'll be happy doing the organising and will let you take the lead, but you'll also be good for one another.  If your partner's another Capricorn, you'll go far together, although at times this duo may become all work and no play.

Being a Capricorn, you need to be sure about your lover's feelings for you and the water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - understand the importance of emotional fulfilment.  In particular, the loving, caring side of your opposite sign of the zodiac, Cancer, helps you to relax and enjoy yourself.  The only problem is they may not let you have enough time to yourself as they tend to cling.  But they will be wonderfully loyal and you'll appreciate their ability to nurture and nourish the relationship.  You and Scorpio are a formidable pairing but it's sexy and it's extremely ambitious so if that's what you want, go for it.  Pisces too will be caring but at times they may be rather too chaotic or disorganised for your liking.

The air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - will certainly teach you a few tricks.  Stupidity is a turn-off as far as you're concerned and you'll delight in the air signs ability to do mental gymnastics.  You won't appreciate it, however, if Gemini begins to lie to you and with you and Aquarius, this partnership is often best as a business partnership, rather than love and the real thing.  Out of the air signs, Libra is your best bet as they're as interested in social networking as you are and what's more, you'll look good together.

Finally, the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - are a blast and loads of fun.  However, you may find these powerful star signs too demanding on a long-term basis.  As long as you're in the mood, you'll be guaranteed passion, but not perhaps the stability you crave.

Aquarius - Love Compatibility

Being an Aquarius, anything goes when it comes to love and you're more likely to know what you don't want from a relationship rather than what you do want from a relationship.  You often end up attracting quite cautious, predictable characters, such as the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - who are enthralled by your vibrant, rebellious streak.  The problem being that the earth signs can sometimes get stuck in a rut and that's not you at all.

Virgo's your best bet because you have some similar goals in life.  Virgo cares about other people which you always find an endearing quality.  Capricorn is as ambitious as you are, although their more mercenary approach to work and life may leave you cold.  You're a caring, sharing type and money for money's sake isn't a turn on.

Constant stimulation is something that turns you on and is important to you.  Which is why you can have a great relationship with another of the air signs - Gemini, Libra or Aquarius - because not only will you find a great lover but you get good conversation too.  Gemini is a lot of fun and you'll have a hoot together, although you may find their lack of morals rather difficult to stomach.  Libra's often all sweetness and light and they may be too fluffy for you.  They're also more interested in climbing up the social ladder rather than changing society, which is your thing.

The fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - are all extremely exciting and you'll be the best of friends.  You'll be allowed plenty of space to spread your wings, although intellectual conversation could be missing.  But you'll certainly enjoy the amateur dramatics of your opposite sign, Leo, and you and Aries are a good match as you're both passionate about doing good works.  Sagittarius is simply a great romp and you'll certainly have lots of adventures together.

The only thing that does tend to put you off is too much romancing and as far as you're concerned, the softer water signs - Cancer and Pisces - may put you off.  You tend to be rather detached from your emotions, whether with Cancer and Pisces, there's an excess of feeling.  With the other water sign, Scorpio, however, you have a good chance of passion without needing to be excessively lovey-dovey. 

Pisces - Love Compatibility

Being a Pisces, you get on best with a partner who understands how to be romantic, which is why the water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - all hit the spot.  You enjoy being treated well and gifts of flowers and chocolates will win you around.  Cancer and you will be cosy and comfortable together in your own little world.  Scorpio's a good bet for a partner who can look after you well.  They like to lead and as long as their ambition doesn't become too controlling, this is a very sexy and imaginative combination.  Another Pisces will certainly understand you but the danger is the two of you may go round and round in circles with neither of you being able to find the way out.

You also enjoy being looked after and those little everyday touches of affection make your heart swoon.  You'll love the sweet, gentle nature of the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - and, in particular, you'll appreciate the efforts made by your opposite sign of Virgo to care for you any way they can.  Taurus is another good match and a very hedonistic combination and Capricorn too will look after you well.  If you teach them all about romance, they'll make sure the bills are paid and will always be there to lean on.

There's also a special allure for you with the air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - and you'll find them incredibly tantalising and exciting to be around.  You enjoy being able to share a mutual love of fantasy and the imaginative world.  You and Gemini have a lot in common although you'll run circles round one another as neither of you is associated with being completely honest.  You and Libra are a very romantic pairing, although they may be too frivolous and fluffy for your needs.  Aquarius is usually a real no-go area as they're detached from their emotions which is something you're certainly not.

Being such a sensitive, caring person yourself, the opposite qualities in a partner can appeal and you're renowned for falling in love with unavailable types.  The brash behaviour and impulsive nature of the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - often leave you wondering what went wrong.  You'll certainly find all three star signs exciting, especially Leo who's as romantic as you are, but if you want romance to last, steer clear of flash types, whatever their star sign!
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