One of the most painful things that parents feel is when they see their child suffering from anxiety attacks for a couple of minutes or even a few hours.
This hurts more since parents would want to protect their children from the pressures of life like stress and worry.
Sadly though, children are also prone to panic attacks.
But unlike panic disorders in adults, panic attacks in children are different.
There must be different reasons why children suffers from panic attacks and it is imperative that parents know these reasons as this is the only way that their children's anxiety attack can be treated.
You can do this by assessing your child's behavior and determining events that might have caused your child's change in behavior.
Although parents would want to believe that they can protect their children from stress and worries but some events or situations can put pressure and tension to your child without the parents realizing it.
And these pressures and tensions can lead to anxiety attacks.
And sadly, some parent's are actually causing pressure and tension to their children.
With today's more competitive world, parents are pushing their children to be the best in everything.
They demand too much from their children that they are actually robbing their children of their childhood.
Instead of enjoying their time as a child, free from worries, children spend more time practicing, studying, etc.
Though practicing and studying are good but what is not good is that children spend too much time practicing and studying that they actually don't have time to play anymore.
And most of all, because children want to please their parents, too much practicing and studying can actually instill to the child that he or she is unwanted unless he or she is the number one in class, the best athlete, or whatever best title the child can ever have.
Sadly, some or even most children can't cope up with this as they can't express their feelings to their parents.
Thus, they would just keep the stress and worries to themselves which in turn builds up more stress leading to the development of anxiety attacks.
Children start having episodes of intense fear that developed without any specific reason but triggered physical reactions that are very severe.
Panic attacks can actually be a child's response to trauma in their life.
Events that they have experienced in the past that caused them pain can lead to the development of phobia to certain things.
Though not all anxiety attacks are due to trauma or stress, panic disorder can also be due to genetic.
Usually children with relatives that has suffered from panic attacks are actually more prone to having anxiety attacks themselves.
Or this can also be due to their biological make-up wherein chemicals in their bodies may have negative reactions to their nervous system, thereby signaling the brain to react with anxiety attacks.
Or this can also be due to diseases.
If parents want to protect their children from anxiety attacks, they should always be aware that children are very innocent and certain changes in their environment can be stressful.
Parents should give their children the chance to be a child, to not worry too much that they are not the smartest in class or the most beautiful or the best basketball player.
And most of all, parents should show more understanding, care and support to their children and to assure them that it is alright to make mistakes.
This hurts more since parents would want to protect their children from the pressures of life like stress and worry.
Sadly though, children are also prone to panic attacks.
But unlike panic disorders in adults, panic attacks in children are different.
There must be different reasons why children suffers from panic attacks and it is imperative that parents know these reasons as this is the only way that their children's anxiety attack can be treated.
You can do this by assessing your child's behavior and determining events that might have caused your child's change in behavior.
Although parents would want to believe that they can protect their children from stress and worries but some events or situations can put pressure and tension to your child without the parents realizing it.
And these pressures and tensions can lead to anxiety attacks.
And sadly, some parent's are actually causing pressure and tension to their children.
With today's more competitive world, parents are pushing their children to be the best in everything.
They demand too much from their children that they are actually robbing their children of their childhood.
Instead of enjoying their time as a child, free from worries, children spend more time practicing, studying, etc.
Though practicing and studying are good but what is not good is that children spend too much time practicing and studying that they actually don't have time to play anymore.
And most of all, because children want to please their parents, too much practicing and studying can actually instill to the child that he or she is unwanted unless he or she is the number one in class, the best athlete, or whatever best title the child can ever have.
Sadly, some or even most children can't cope up with this as they can't express their feelings to their parents.
Thus, they would just keep the stress and worries to themselves which in turn builds up more stress leading to the development of anxiety attacks.
Children start having episodes of intense fear that developed without any specific reason but triggered physical reactions that are very severe.
Panic attacks can actually be a child's response to trauma in their life.
Events that they have experienced in the past that caused them pain can lead to the development of phobia to certain things.
Though not all anxiety attacks are due to trauma or stress, panic disorder can also be due to genetic.
Usually children with relatives that has suffered from panic attacks are actually more prone to having anxiety attacks themselves.
Or this can also be due to their biological make-up wherein chemicals in their bodies may have negative reactions to their nervous system, thereby signaling the brain to react with anxiety attacks.
Or this can also be due to diseases.
If parents want to protect their children from anxiety attacks, they should always be aware that children are very innocent and certain changes in their environment can be stressful.
Parents should give their children the chance to be a child, to not worry too much that they are not the smartest in class or the most beautiful or the best basketball player.
And most of all, parents should show more understanding, care and support to their children and to assure them that it is alright to make mistakes.