Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Loss Basics

Are you a hair loss survivor? One of the millions of men and women who have realized what is the depressing reality of hair loss.
Do you wonder what happened to your once beautiful head of hair? In this article titled "Hair Loss Basics" I will hopefully give you the answer to the haunting problem known as hair loss.
   Did you know that hair loss is a natural process where approximately 100 hairs escape from the once lush confines of your scalp everyday? For those not experiencing hair loss the 100 hairs will be replaced.
For the rest of us the number of hairs lost is greater than the number replaced.
I think you can see how this story ends if drastic action is not taken immediately.
   It is estimated that over 90% of all hair loss is either genetic or hormonal.
Male pattern baldness in men is known by the medical term androgenic alopecia and is characterized by a receding hair line and balding on the crown.
Androgenic alopecia in women is known as female pattern baldness and is characterized by thinning hair on the top of the head without the often problematic receding hair line.
   * While the stats surrounding the number of men affected by MPB varies, a best guess estimate is that about 65% or Caucasian men will have some balding by the tender age of 45.
    * Female pattern baldness normally begins between the ages of 30 and 40 and often becomes more noticeable during and after menopause.
  About half of all children with a balding parent of either sex will receive the much unwelcome balding gene.
The moral to this story is if you don't want to be the parent of a bald middle aged child, don't marry a hair challenged partner.
Who said it's what's on the inside that counts?   Once we move past genetics and age the main hair bandit is a hormone abbreviated DHT.
DHT or dihydrotestosterone is a form of testosterone which is moderated by an enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase, which is produced in the prostate, the adrenal glands, and the scalp.
The activity of this enzyme often increases with age, especially in males.
DHT also causes the hair follicle to shrink, becoming shorter and finer, until one day they become so frail that they fall out from regular daily activity.
  While androgenic alopecia is the main cause of hair loss, both in men and women, their can be other causes as well.
These would include but not be limited to stress, thyroid disease, diseases such as diabetes, crash diets, fever, autoimmune problems, and psoriasis.
In summary, hair loss if left unchecked is the gradual march to the land of bald is beautiful.
For this reason it is important to slow its progression as soon as possible.
There are a number of excellent hair regrowth formulas which have been shown to be effective in blocking DHT and accelerating hair regrowth and are worth considering.
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