Updated September 03, 2013.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See About.com's Medical Review Board.
Make over your meals with healthy "eat this, not that" ideas. These ideas will help to create a balanced approach to meals that incorporates more healthy whole foods and fewer additives. Decreasing your intake of unhealthy ingredients could also decrease your risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Eat more fresh and colorful fruits and vegetables
Vegetable Recipes
Colorful Eating
Low Carb Veggies
Eat more whole grain breads, pasta & crackers, beans and legumes
Eat nuts, seeds, whole grain crackers, fruits and vegetables, or lower sugar snacks.
Diabetic Desserts
Diabetic Snacks
Eat foods cooked lightly with healthy fats.
Eat fresh lean meat, fish and healthy protein
Eat foods with no added salt and no added sugar
Choosing A Sugar
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See About.com's Medical Review Board.
Make over your meals with healthy "eat this, not that" ideas. These ideas will help to create a balanced approach to meals that incorporates more healthy whole foods and fewer additives. Decreasing your intake of unhealthy ingredients could also decrease your risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.
1. Instead of Processed and Pre-Packaged Foods
Eat more fresh and colorful fruits and vegetables
Vegetable Recipes
Colorful Eating
Low Carb Veggies
2. Instead of White Breads, Refined Pasta, Rice & Crackers
Eat more whole grain breads, pasta & crackers, beans and legumes
3. Instead of Cookies, Candy & Chips
Eat nuts, seeds, whole grain crackers, fruits and vegetables, or lower sugar snacks.
Diabetic Desserts
Diabetic Snacks
4. Instead of Fried Foods
Eat foods cooked lightly with healthy fats.
5. Instead of Highly Processed Meats
Eat fresh lean meat, fish and healthy protein
6. Instead of Eating Foods with Added Sodium and Sugar
Eat foods with no added salt and no added sugar
Choosing A Sugar