- "Left 4 Dead" is a game that centers on a zombie outbreak that causes the end of the civilized world. "Left 4 Dead" was released in November of 2008 for both the Xbox 360 gaming console and for personal computers. You can choose to participate in the game as a human or zombie, and you can play either single-player or multiple player modes. Both the Xbox 360 and PC versions of "Left 4 Dead" include cheats to help you unlock special items or abilities.
- In the PC version of "Left 4 Dead," you can enter in cheat codes to help you succeed. To do this, go to Options from the main menu. From there, select "Keyboard/Mouse," and then click on "Allow Developers Console." While playing the game, pressing the "~" key and type "Sv_Cheats 1" and press "Enter." Type "give ammo" to refill all of your ammunition, or type "give health" to restore your health to its original level. The code "z_health" will change the health of the game's zombies, and the code "z_speed" will affect their speed. Other codes are slightly longer, such as "sv_infinite_ammo 1," which will give you unlimited ammunition. The code "z_common_limit" will cap the amount of zombies that can appear in a stage, and "z_spawn_zombie" immediately creates a new zombie.
- During stages of "Left 4 Dead" for both PC and Xbox 360, special awards can be earned. Using fire on 101 zombies will unlock the 101 Cremations award, and using pistols exclusively to finish a campaign earns the Akimbo Assassin achievement. The Big Drag award is received after pulling a survivor 100 feet just using a character's tongue, and the Brain Salad award comes after 100 head shot kills. Lighting a witch with a Molotov earns the Burn the Witch award, and the Dead Baron award is captured by finishing the Dead Air campaign.
- Both the PC and Xbox 360 versions of "Left 4 Dead" have achievements that can be unlocked in the game's Crash Course campaign. Running into 20 survivors as a tank in the Crash Course campaign will earn you the 20 Car Pile-Up achievement, and finishing the Crash Course campaign earns the Crash-Proof award. The Jumpin' Jack Smash achievement can be had after hitting a survivor for 25 damage points in the Crash Course campaign, and restarting the generator within a 30-second interval will unlock the Quick Power achievement. The Smash Hit award is received after winning a versus campaign on Crash Course, and the Tank Stumble achievement comes after stunning a tank in the Crash Course campaign. Killing exactly 5,359 zombies in the Crash Course campaign earns The Littlest Genocide achievement, and the Truck Stop award is given to you by wiping out all the survivors after getting the escape vehicle in the Crash Course campaign. If three survivors are taken out in a five-second interval, the Wipefest achievement is earned.
Crash Course