I will admit it, I have bought gold for World of Warcraft online from gold farmers.
What are gold farmers? They are the players who spend all day making massive amounts of gold in WoW and then turn around and sell it online.
For some people, that is there entire job - just making gold in WoW.
What better place to start when trying to learn the secrets to making gold, right? Well that's exactly what Derek did when he put together his Gold Master Guide.
He learned how to earn gold in WoW from the best: the gold farmers.
Stop buying 100 pieces of gold online for $5-$10 and start making it yourself with the strategies of the gold farmers in Derek's Master Guide.
I used to spend a lot of time searching the 'net looking for gold making tips.
Unfortunately, many of the "secrets" and "tips" I found didn't work or were just cheats.
And there's no way I want to have Blizzard ban my account for violating their terms of service, so I'm staying far away from cheats.
But I started getting really frustrated.
So many other players had way more gold than I did, even enough to buy an epic flying mount.
Now that I've tried to 100% legal gold making strategies I read in Derek's Mastery Guide, I no longer have to envy other players in the game.
I have my own epic mount and plenty of leftover gold to buy pretty much whatever gear I need in the game.
And I got here without using cheats and "illegal" strategies.
This Warcraft Riches Guide from Derek walked me through how to farm gold just like those gold farmers who sell it online.
I'll never buy gold online again, and you won't need to either if you check out Derek's Gold Guide and follow his easy tips for making massive amounts of gold in World of Warcraft.
What are gold farmers? They are the players who spend all day making massive amounts of gold in WoW and then turn around and sell it online.
For some people, that is there entire job - just making gold in WoW.
What better place to start when trying to learn the secrets to making gold, right? Well that's exactly what Derek did when he put together his Gold Master Guide.
He learned how to earn gold in WoW from the best: the gold farmers.
Stop buying 100 pieces of gold online for $5-$10 and start making it yourself with the strategies of the gold farmers in Derek's Master Guide.
I used to spend a lot of time searching the 'net looking for gold making tips.
Unfortunately, many of the "secrets" and "tips" I found didn't work or were just cheats.
And there's no way I want to have Blizzard ban my account for violating their terms of service, so I'm staying far away from cheats.
But I started getting really frustrated.
So many other players had way more gold than I did, even enough to buy an epic flying mount.
Now that I've tried to 100% legal gold making strategies I read in Derek's Mastery Guide, I no longer have to envy other players in the game.
I have my own epic mount and plenty of leftover gold to buy pretty much whatever gear I need in the game.
And I got here without using cheats and "illegal" strategies.
This Warcraft Riches Guide from Derek walked me through how to farm gold just like those gold farmers who sell it online.
I'll never buy gold online again, and you won't need to either if you check out Derek's Gold Guide and follow his easy tips for making massive amounts of gold in World of Warcraft.