Health & Medical Anxiety

Effective Techniques for Treating Anxiety Attacks - Part 2

Treating Anxiety Attacks Through Rational Dissection Doesn't it always help when you know what you are fighting against? Well, hopefully the explanation in Part 1 of this series has provided you with the knowledge about how anxiety can develop in your mind.
So let's try to fix it by considering some techniques for treating anxiety attacks.
As you know by now, it is all in your mind.
So if we can somehow control our mind to stop putting that cart before the horse, we would have been able to find a few anxiety cures, right? Let's go back to our example of that client meeting (from Part 1) as an illustration and leverage one simple technique.
That meeting is the root cause, the stimulus for stress.
As a result of that stimulus, your mind has become anxious because you are late.
You are imagining a negative outcome, which is obviously fictitious at this point.
Get a grip of yourself, take a deep breath and force your mind to assess your situation.
The more negative you think, the worse it will get, so force yourself to think rationally.
What could you do under those circumstances to mitigate that risk? Could you call the client and ask for the meeting to be postponed? Could you take an alternate route that is faster although you may have to pay toll in order to use that route? Could you get in touch with your colleague who is nearby to get started with the meeting while you get there as son as you can do so safely? Or could you just get there as quickly and as safely as you can and just fess up with your client? In essence you are forcing your mind to leverage your inherent power of rationality to mitigate you're the threat of that stimulus and repeatedly telling your mind that the horse must always be before the cart regardless of anything.
This is called rational dissection.
There is no greater technique for treating anxiety attacks than forcing your mind to think rationally and dissect the problem into its constituent parts.
Once you lay out these parts, it will be easier for you to rationalize and find a solution Love that dopamine and keep more of it available in your brain.
Easier said that done? Boy, you really look at a glass as half full don't you? Well let me ask you a candid question and of course I would want a candid answer.
Let's say you yielded yourself to the stress and allowed yourself to become anxious (I can't believe I'm saying this).
Will that help you get out of the situation anyway? Will the clock suddenly start running backwards? Will your car suddenly become a Formula One speed demon or will the roads become the Daytona racetrack? None of that is going to happen right? So what's the point in becoming anxious? Anxiety is counter-productive and gets you nowhere and never solves any problem.
Treating anxiety attacks is simple, only when you learn to think like a mature person and force your mind to continue to remain rational.
Treating Anxiety Attacks Through Cognitive Behavior Therapy Like they say, Rome as not built in a day.
Anxiety problems that you face today are not necessarily something that you woke up in the morning with.
This is something that builds over time and becomes a sort of a mindset.
Let's take an example.
You're up for the final exam for your graduate degree and are waiting for the test to be delivered to your desk.
You start to feel anxious that the questions will be so tough that you will not be able to answer them correctly, even though the questions are not in front of you.
No matter how well you have prepared for the exam, no matter how good you are at the subject under test, you probably feel those butterflies in your stomach.
I've come across people who simply walked out of the examination hall even before the test was delivered, because their anxiety transformed into panic.
The emotional turmoil was so compelling that they were drained off their own rationality and subsequently prompted to keep themselves away from the test.
Ask yourself, a question.
What's the worst that would have happened if you stayed back to take that test anyway? You would have failed the test and would have had to re-take it again, right? How different is that from not taking the test at all? The end results are the same, which means that either way, you gained nothing by walking away.
But what if you resisted that urge to escape and stayed back and took the test anyway? In high likelihood, you would have found that the questions were not as tough that your imaginative mind had conjured and you were able to provide good answers, eventually making you score the passing grade.
That's a win, but you could have that if and only if you were smart enough to convince your mind that it was a shot worth taking.
Cognitive behavior therapy leverages the concept of modifying your behavior andshaping your thoughts (cognitive) into a proper structure.
This therapy helps you to learn how to look at a glass as half full rather than half empty.
This therapy shows you the power of positive and rational thinking and how you can make it part of your character.
It focuses on eliminating negative thoughts from your conscious mind, because negative thoughts are simply open invitations for stress to creep into your life.
Once stress gets the opportunity to influence your mind, anxiety is one of the several symptoms through which stress manifests itself.
One of the common methods in cognitive therapy involves immersion of the patient in the situation about which they are anxious about.
So in the example of that examination-anxiety, the patient will be asked to stay back and take the exam.
Once the questions are reviewed the patient starts to feel a growing sense of confidence, because the answers are easier than the conscious mind had originally imagined.
As a result, the anxiety is dispelled and the patient is cured.
Treating anxiety attacks through cognitive behavior therapy is very effective because you learn how to structure your thoughts - breaking up the stimulus for the stress into its constituent parts and then analyzing them separately with a positive frame of mind.
Thus with the combination of your thought process and your behavior, you can become empowered to mange stressful situations and prevent those anxiety attacks from occurring.
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