Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Boot Scooting Baby Dance Steps


    • Preparation for the Boot Scooting Baby includes having appropriate dance space (approximately 8 square feet of floor space). Additionally, you will need to have the music necessary to perform the dance. The Boot Scooting Baby is typically danced to the popular country tune Boot Scootin' Baby by Ingrid DuMosch.


    • Ensure that you are standing straight with legs spread approximately 8 inches apart. Your child should be standing to your right (if she is able to stand). If your child is too young to walk, then you should hold your child in the crook of your right arm and place your left hand on her center back.

    Movement and Beginning Steps

    • When the music begins, step with your right foot to the right side. Cross your left foot behind your right foot. Step with your right foot to the right side. Gently brush the top of your left boot across the heel of your left boot. Kick forward and clap at the same time. Move your body clockwise to face the right wall. Step forward with your left foot. Cross your right foot behind your left foot. Step with your left foot to the left side. Gently brush the top of your right boot across the heel of your left boot. Kick forward and clap. Move your body clockwise to face the back wall.

    Movement and Completion

    • Facing the back wall, step again with your right foot to the right side. Cross your left foot behind your right foot. Step with your right foot to the right side. Gently brush the top of your left boot across the heel of your right boot. Kick forward, clap and continue moving your body clockwise to face the left wall. Facing the left wall, step forward with your right foot. Cross your left foot behind your right foot. Step with your right foot to the right side. Gently brush the top of your left boot across the heel of your right boot. Kick forward and clap. Move your body clockwise to face the front wall. If your dance partner has been standing, then both of you should now place your right foot behind your left and bow to the waist, tipping your cowboy hat if you are wearing one. If you have been holding your dance partner because she is unable to stand, then bow with your child by gently lowering your right arm while keeping your left arm secure on your child's back.

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