- Your guests arrive in '80s club attire including leg warmers, big glasses, big T-shirts with shoulder pads, and side ponytails. Your retro playlist should include George Michael, Madonna, Tiffany, Cyndi Lauper, Pat Benatar, A-Ha and Paula Abdul. Award your dance contest winners the following prizes: candy necklaces, pop rocks, swatch watches, fingerless gloves or Pac-Man plaques.
- Soul Train made the Scramble Board good television. Purchase sticker magnets from an office supply store, attach them to Scrabble game pieces or small blocks. Prepare an easy trivia question like, "Name a movie starring Pam Grier?" or "Who was the '80s black action hero?" Scramble the answer on a magnetic board before the party. During a break in the dancing, select a couple at random. Read the question. They will have 60 seconds to unscramble the answer.
- Before arriving at your party, you guests choose their favorite Soul Train performer. Their options can include New Edition, Johnny Gill, Rick James, Prince, the Gap Band, Ashford & Simpson, Gloria Gaynor, Michael Jackson or Sheila E. One guest performs while your other guests dance to the music Soul Train-style. Patterning your prize after the Soul Train music awards, present the winner with a gold platter award.
- Your guests form two lines -- women on the left and the men on the right. Your DJ begins playing a '80s disco song. The couple at the head of the line face each other. Turning, they dance down the line. They can use whatever dance moves they like, but extra points or attention should focus on '80s-popularized dances like "The Cabbage Patch," "Moonwalk," "Smurf," or "Robot."
That '80s dance contest
Scramble Board
Soul Train Karaoke
Soul Train line