Sometimes it is a battle to get our children to eat their food and it can be disheartening especially when they do not eat even their lunches at school.
They are spending several hours using both their brains and body and this takes out a lot from them and we want to make sure that what is taken out is replaced.
Although they may understand why we insist that they eat, they are young and as long as they can function, they will keep going.
However, what can add to this challenge is their response, "I don't know," when they are asked what they would like to eat for lunch.
When they are asked this question, on one hand, they may say junk food and on the next hand they say, "I don't know," and thereby leaving us to decide what to prepare for them.
Additionally, packing healthy lunches for them, especially when they do not usually eat it at home, is another thing.
A healthy lunch is one thing, but if it is not entering their bodies, it is of no use to them.
Therefore, at home, it is an excellent idea to get them to choose foods that are good for them and when it is packed in their lunch bags or supplied by their school, they will be more inclined to eat it.
Some healthy meals that you can prepare from them are: Slices of Fruits Some fruits do not keep very well after they are cut and one such fruit are apples and because of this, we may opt to give them it whole.
However, it is of no use to them if they are not eating it.
Instead, as you consider which fruits cause them to run immediately to the washroom and which ones do not, you can slice them up for them.
A few of the fruits that will keep until their lunchtime are: (a) Mangoes Buy then a bit firm and you can dice them into bite size pieces, without the skin and give then some toothpicks for them to pick them up with.
This will add creativity.
On the other hand, you can also cut them large enough to keep on the skin.
(b) Strawberry Put several strawberries into the bowl for them and do not add any whip cream or anything along that line to it.
(C) Oranges Peal the orange and separate the figs instead of putting it whole into the bag.
Yogurt There are many yogurts on the market today that are made with a child in mind and if they are asking from them, pack it into their lunch bags.
They usually come in different flavors and in a size that make it easier for them to eat the entire thing.
Additionally, do not to forget the attractive package that it comes in.
However, there are some yogurt that comes with a few pulps and all children are not happy about that.
They may try to eat around it, but in the end, they end throwing away half, if not all it.
Therefore, ask them what type they prefer before buying, that is, with, or without pulp.
Sandwiches Prepare some turkey, chicken, and ham sandwiches for them and cut them into squares or triangles.
Use slice bread, unless, they prefer another shape and cut off the ends for them.
You can use the cut off pieces to make breadcrumbs.
Some children do not enjoy eating whole wheat bread, however, bakers are now baking bread that has a lot of the goodness of the wheat brand, but they are white instead of brown.
Therefore, take a good look at the bread's ingredients before buying one.
As for the "an apple a day keep the doctor away," give it to them when they return home from school.
They are spending several hours using both their brains and body and this takes out a lot from them and we want to make sure that what is taken out is replaced.
Although they may understand why we insist that they eat, they are young and as long as they can function, they will keep going.
However, what can add to this challenge is their response, "I don't know," when they are asked what they would like to eat for lunch.
When they are asked this question, on one hand, they may say junk food and on the next hand they say, "I don't know," and thereby leaving us to decide what to prepare for them.
Additionally, packing healthy lunches for them, especially when they do not usually eat it at home, is another thing.
A healthy lunch is one thing, but if it is not entering their bodies, it is of no use to them.
Therefore, at home, it is an excellent idea to get them to choose foods that are good for them and when it is packed in their lunch bags or supplied by their school, they will be more inclined to eat it.
Some healthy meals that you can prepare from them are: Slices of Fruits Some fruits do not keep very well after they are cut and one such fruit are apples and because of this, we may opt to give them it whole.
However, it is of no use to them if they are not eating it.
Instead, as you consider which fruits cause them to run immediately to the washroom and which ones do not, you can slice them up for them.
A few of the fruits that will keep until their lunchtime are: (a) Mangoes Buy then a bit firm and you can dice them into bite size pieces, without the skin and give then some toothpicks for them to pick them up with.
This will add creativity.
On the other hand, you can also cut them large enough to keep on the skin.
(b) Strawberry Put several strawberries into the bowl for them and do not add any whip cream or anything along that line to it.
(C) Oranges Peal the orange and separate the figs instead of putting it whole into the bag.
Yogurt There are many yogurts on the market today that are made with a child in mind and if they are asking from them, pack it into their lunch bags.
They usually come in different flavors and in a size that make it easier for them to eat the entire thing.
Additionally, do not to forget the attractive package that it comes in.
However, there are some yogurt that comes with a few pulps and all children are not happy about that.
They may try to eat around it, but in the end, they end throwing away half, if not all it.
Therefore, ask them what type they prefer before buying, that is, with, or without pulp.
Sandwiches Prepare some turkey, chicken, and ham sandwiches for them and cut them into squares or triangles.
Use slice bread, unless, they prefer another shape and cut off the ends for them.
You can use the cut off pieces to make breadcrumbs.
Some children do not enjoy eating whole wheat bread, however, bakers are now baking bread that has a lot of the goodness of the wheat brand, but they are white instead of brown.
Therefore, take a good look at the bread's ingredients before buying one.
As for the "an apple a day keep the doctor away," give it to them when they return home from school.