Health & Medical Men's Health

Home Workouts - 5 Tips to Make Exercise an Habit

Tired of being tired and want to get your body in shape? Discover 5 ways to meet your weight loss goals by transforming home workouts into a fun and easy habit.

It's always easy to start an exercise routine; it's something that we've all tried more than once in our lives.  For some, it's a regular routine at the beginning of each year - or when we start to feel guilty about our diet.  Sometimes the scale mocks us and we begrudgingly start a new exercise program that includes home workouts and some time at the gym.

The problem, of course, comes with sticking to that program and making it a habit.  For most people, the initial enthusiasm and drive quickly wanes.  This tends to happen when we get distracted by other things and tamper with our priorities.  It doesn't take much to talk yourself out of home workouts, but then you're riddled with the guilt of throwing in the towel.

So what's the secret of success for those people who tackle home workouts and weight loss like it's as normal as a daily shower?

For many it's because they have their priorities in order and they don't let anything get in the way.  They rank fitness, feeling healthy and the enjoyment of that renewed energy over other things - and often put weight and appearance last. Want to solidify your dedication to home workouts?  Here are 5 tips for making home workouts and fitness a part of your daily life.

1. Do Home Workouts You Enjoy - There's no rule that says you have to buy a bunch of equipment, subscribe to a gym and beat yourself silly every day just to lose weight.  It's less about hardcore exercise and home workouts, and more about physical activity.  Try a variety of exercises and activity at home that you enjoy; walking, running, cycling, dance while you clean, lift weights.  Any activity can be transformed into a workout.

2. Bring Someone In on Your Home Workouts - You don't need to invite people over to do home workouts with you, but if you include a social aspect to your physical activity and exercise routine then you're creating accountability.  It's easy to let yourself off the hook, but if you agree to walk to meet someone for dinner, then they become an impromptu personal trainer in a way.  You don't want to let them down.  If you can find someone to work out with you, that's even better.

3. Make Home Workouts a Priority - Think about your day and how you prioritize your time; if you spend an hour watching TV each night, then mix in some home workouts while you're watching your show or while the commercials air.  Exercise and physical activity should be non-negotiable, and you've got plenty of little opportunities to work it in.

4. Make Home Workouts Your Wake Up Juice - A lot of parents want to lose weight, but it's hard to get exercise in when you're juggling children's schedules on top of your own.  Your excuses can vanish when you start waking up before your children wake.  You don't need to do Zumba or Pilates, but do something.  Devote 10-15 minutes to home workouts, get your shower, and you'll be amazed how energized you are.

5. Exercise Even When You're Tired - This is the best time to jump into your home workouts.  When you're run-down, just 15 minutes of exercise can boost your circulation and wake up your brain.  You'll breathe deeply, improve the oxygen exchange in your tissue and you'll experience an exercise-induced euphoria.

Consistency is the key to developing a habit.  Don't let time, energy or the cost of a gym deter you from making changes and achieving your goals.  There are countless home workouts you can use to reach those goals, you just need to develop the habit and be relentless when it comes to overcoming your most common obstacles.
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