Health & Medical Men's Health

Chinese Herbs to Increase Libido - A Proven Combination For Enhanced Libido

Chinese herbs to increase libido have been used by billions of people for thousands of years and they work.
Not only can they give you an erection like synthetic drugs, they can also increase sexual desire at the same time for a complete and natural sexual experience.
Before we look at some specific herbs, lets look at some of the common causes which lead to low libido and sex drive.
Testosterone is the key male hormone for sex drive and low levels will see libido plunge.
Energy and mood have a lot to do with libido and stress and fatigue are passion killers.
For a strong sex drive you need plenty of energy, to put you in the mood for sex.
Next we have sluggish and poor blood circulation.
Find a man with erectile dysfunction and he will probably have poor blood circulation.
Libido relies on blood being pumped to the genitals strongly, in response to arousal messages from the brain and when it gets there, it needs to enter the penis.
Perhaps one of the most common causes of low libido is a lack of nitric oxide.
This chemical is the one which regulates blood flow to the penis.
When a man becomes aroused nitric oxide is secreted in the blood vessels, allowing them to expand and take an increased flow of blood into create an erection.
Nitric oxide is vital and if you don't get enough, your erection will never ever occur.
Chinese herbs to increase libido don't see sex drive as isolated from the body's health, they see it as part of the whole and by healing the whole, sex drive returns.
The herbs below in combination will tackle all the problems above, as well as giving other health benefits.
Ginseng The most famous herb of all and a great all round tonic which boosts blood circulation, increases energy, enhances mood, helps with testosterone and nitric oxide production, heals the sex organs and keeps sperm healthy.
Horny Goat Weed Enhances mood, lncreases energy, decreases stress levels and helps to naturally enhance levels of nitric oxide and testosterone.
This herb is one of the best and has its name for good reason - it works.
Cnidium One of the best herbs to lift nitric oxide levels and in addition, is also a great blood tonic, nourishing the blood and improving circulation throughout the body.
Ginkgo Biloba Improves blood flow and oxygen throughout the body and is probably the most effective of the Chinese herbs for better circulation.
Its anti-oxidant action also enables it to protect the blood vessels, reduce arteriosclerotic lesions and prevent obstructions.
It also plays the key role of increasing the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor, which ensures a strong erection.
The herbs above are not the only herbs you can take to enhance libido - but in combination and in sufficient strength, they cover all the common problems and give your sexual wellness a boost and your health.
Chinese herbs to increase libido are becoming more popular, as people seek natural cures for erectile dysfunction.
While synthetic drugs can get you an erection, they cannot increase desire but these herbs can getting you an erection and the feeling of desire you had when you were younger.
For better health and sexual health try the above and you maybe glad you did.
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