Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

A Quick Look Into The Damaging Result Of Obesity

Many years of research and medical experience have established how much obesity is detrimental to health. The health costs of excessive weight in 2010 for the US is enormous and is more than 100 billion dollars per year. You can put the multi-billion dollar a year sum that is spent each year for diet related merchandise. If you look you it is noticeable most people are overweight or possibly officially deemed obese. What is likewise very well known are the many processed foods and beverages so many people consume. There is certainly no secret that so many foods consist of high sugar and fat content. Obesity frequently causes many health issues, and here are several critical ones.

One of the most significant repercussions of obesity is type 2 diabetes, and a lot more new occurrences appear annually. What is becoming even more alarming is the rising incidence of this condition in younger people who are also severely overweight. The onset of diabetes happens because study has demonstrated a high correlation between insulin resistance and obesity. A person who has already been significantly overweight or severely obese is at a higher risk with a sugar rich diet. Many organizations and individuals have tried to make the general public aware of high fructose corn syrup in a great many drinks. Ordinary white sugar is bad enough, however high fructose corn syrup is incredibly sweet and damaging with prolonged consumption.

Premature problems involving joints are frequently a side effect of the obese state. Notably at risk joints are the knees and hips, and the reason behind that is they carry so much weight. The severely obese person can be at elevated risk for joint troubles such as osteoarthritis. Unfortunately the most common procedure of joint replacement is not automatically a viable option. While millions of people get joint replacements, there is a greater chance for good results with normal weight conditions. Of course only a doctor can make the final determination for those with abnormal weight problems. At the very least it can be a risky procedure since the heavy weight on the synthetic joint can cause problems. The elevated weight could possibly cause the joint being loose which often can further injury encircling bone.

Problems are extremely common concerning the cardiovascular system and specifically high blood pressure. The issue with having so much weight is it severely strains the entire body. The occurrence of so much fat is just a huge demand for oxygen which is supplied by the blood. The net result is to put a terrific strain on the heart due to the needs of the excess fat tissue. The high blood pressure is actually a result of this extra demand brought on by the extra weight. There can also be a rise in the heart rate as it functions in reaction to all that requirement.

Obesity places the body in a risky state for a wide variety of medical conditions. These are just some of the secondary effects taken from a long list of health conditions resulting from severe weight gain.

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