Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Uterine Fibroids And The Myomectomy - The Good, Bad And Ugly

There are many treatments for fibroid tumors such as the various uterine fibroids natural treatment options as well as surgical procedures. While the hysterectomy is the more well known and popular surgical procedure, the myomectomy is an alternative to a hysterectomy.

There are many other surgical procedures besides the two discussed above and with any surgery, there are always risks and complications associated with them. This makes it important for a woman considering surgical procedures to exhaust all other options to surgery including the many uterine fibroids natural treatment methods.

While the hysterectomy is more well known, the myomectomy is actually the oldest surgical procedure for the removal of fibroid tumors and goes back to the late 1800s. About 200,000 hysterectomies are performed in the U.S. compared to 40,000 myomectomies so while many women opt for a hysterectomy, many also choose the myomectomy each year.

The surgical procedure for the removal of uterine fibroids should be the first option only if;

  1. Cancer is involved

  2. You have fibroids that cause uncontrollable and prolonged life threatening bleeding as a result of the development of anemia.

  3. If the uterine fibroids block the flow of urine from the kidneys which can cause injury to the kidneys.

It will only be in very rare circumstances that the above three reasons will apply so usually most myomectomies performed each year can be avoided unless no other method including uterine fibroids natural treatment methods fail to work. If you are plagued by severe uterine fibroids symptoms and have tried various alternatives, surgical removal of the tumors may be the answer for you.

Uterine Fibroids and the Myomectomy - The Good

The main selling point with a myomectomy is that unlike the hysterectomy, only the tumors are removed individually while the uterus remains intact. A total hysterectomy on the other hand, removes the tumors, the cervix and the uterus.

Many women who opt for a myomectomy do so because they wish to get pregnant in the future and this procedure gives them this option unlike a hysterectomy.

The Surgical Procedure

The abdominal myomectomy is the most common way of performing the procedure. Other ways include the laparoscopy and the hysteroscopy.

i. Abdominal Myomectomy

This is usually recommended for women who wish to get pregnant in the future because after the removal of the tumors, the uterus is sewn back together as close as possible to the original which is impossible to do with the other types of myomectomy.

For the abdominal myomectomy, an incision is made in the abdominal wall in the lower abdomen and as close to the bikini line as possible. The incision made is usually up to six inches in length.

After making this incision, the surgeon will go through several layers of tissue to the abdominal cavity until he or she reaches the uterus. The uterus may then be lifted up and out of the pelvis until it is close to lying on the abdomen.

The surgical removal of the tumors then begins. The procedure can last several hours depending on the number of tumors and their location as they have to be removed individually.

After the tumors have been removed, the uterus is sewn back together and placed back through the incision and the abdomen closed. A hospital stay of about 3 days will be required after an abdominal myomectomy before you are sent home for the rest of the recovery.

ii. Laparoscopy

This type of myomectomy does not require a hospital stay unlike the abdominal myomectomy. Once the surgery is completed, the patient can leave the hospital.

Using a laparoscope which is a thin, long telescope, a small incision is made close to the belly button and two or three more tiny incisions are made just below the pubic line and laparoscopes inserted into those incisions. The laparoscopes allow the surgeon to look inside the abdomen with the help of a video monitor. The uterus is then opened using lasers, small scissors, etc. The fibroid tumors are then cut into very small pieces and removed through tubes. The smaller incisions and scars as well as the shorter recovery time and the less pain after surgery make this a better option than the abdominal myomectomy.

If you do intend to get pregnant, the laparoscopy myomectomy is not recommended because the uterus may tear open during pregnancy because the uterus is never securely closed during the surgical procedure as it would be with the abdominal myomectomy because of the instruments used during this surgery.

ii. Hysteroscopy

No incision is made with this procedure. It works best for tumors that cause heavy and prolonged bleeding caused by submucosal fibroids which are located in the uterine cavity.

Using a small telescope known as a hysteroscope or resectoscope as well as a video camera inserted through the vagina and cervix to the uterus which allows the surgeon to view the insides of the uterus with the help of a video monitor as he or she performs the procedure.

The tumors are then removed using the hysteroscope or resectoscope. Fluid is flushed through the uterus first to help expand it which helps the surgeon see the entire uterine lining. Electricity is then run through a wire loop to cut off the fibroid tumors. If the tumor is large, it will be cut into several pieces before it is removed through the cervix and the vagina.

Hysteroscopy is of great help to women with abdominal bleeding as well as those with fertility issues arising from the submucosal tumors in the uterine cavity which commonly cause fertility issues.

No hospital stay is required with a hysteroscopy.

Uterine Fibroids and Myomectomy - The Bad

Unlike a hysterectomy, a myomectomy is a complicated procedure and the surgeon must be highly skilled. Even with a highly skilled surgeon, there is always a risk of puncturing other organs while performing this surgical procedure.

Secondly, because the uterus remains intact, there is always a risk of the recurrence of the fibroid tumors requiring a second or third procedure.

Uterine Fibroids and Myomectomy - The Ugly

Only a woman who has had an abdominal myomectomy should try to get pregnant because the uterus will remain relatively intact after the procedure.

With the other two types of myomectomy, there is always a risk that the uterus will burst open if the woman becomes pregnant because the procedures are less invasive and because they use long thin tools, the uterus cannot be put back together securely.

With an abdominal myomectomy, when the woman does get pregnant, a caesarean section will be required in most cases because of uterine weakness that results from this procedure.

Other risks of the surgery include infection, torn uterine lining, excessive blood loss that may be so severe as to require a hysterectomy.

In some cases, a myomectomy may not be able to stop the heavy and prolonged bleeding. The stress of this procedure may also cause a hormonal imbalance.

There is also the risk of the formation of internal scars although these scars may not affect most women while some others may have issues related to these scars.

The external scars especially with an abdominal myomectomy may be embarrassing for some women but it is even worse if these scars form into keloids which are a type of scar that causes thick, overgrown scars that can protrude above the skin's surface. While keloids mainly affect African-American, anyone can develop keloids.
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