Health & Medical Men's Health

BIGGER Is BETTER! Why NATURAL Exercises Are Better Than Pills If You Want An 8-9 Inch ERECTION!

Bigger is better! Face it, it is tough to satisfy a woman with a small penis.
It is difficult to create enough friction to her sensitive areas, and from an aesthetic standpoint, women just don't get turned on by LOOKING at a small member! I should know, I used to be only 5.
5 inches! Here is why natural exercises are better than pills if you want to get bigger! No cost! Pills can cost as much as $100 per month, and many unscrupulous companies will put you on "automatic billing" when you make your first order! There are people being charged every month for enlargement pills long after they deemed them ineffective and quit taking them! More safe! Pills are NOT approved by the FDA and there have been many side-effects reported, some severe! I know I wouldn't put anything in my body that hasn't been studied and regulated, and with natural methods, you never have to ingest anything! More effective! Pills haven't been proven to increase penis size at all.
The only reason some guys report a temporary size increase is that herbal pill manufacturers have been known to spike their products with analogues of prescription PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra.
This will temporarily make a man's erection harder which can make it seem like it's bigger.
However, these pills will NOT permanently increase the actual structure of a guy's penis! Easy to do! Pills are attractive because they are easy -- just pop one every day and be done with it.
However, natural exercises are easy too! You just need 10 minutes per day to do them.
I used those 10 minutes to perform traction on the tissue chambers of my penile shaft using hand exercises, and I became permanently well hung from a PATHETIC starting size of 5.
5 inches! I even started seeing gains within two weeks!
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