- A vehicle's alternator is responsible for many of a car's electrical components.yellow car, a honda japanese sport car model image by alma_sacra from Fotolia.com
A faulty alternator can lead to problems ranging from a slow-starting engine to a vehicle that will not start at all. Alternators work by converting power from the engine to ensure that your car and its electrical components run smoothly. When an alternator starts to go bad, you'll encounter a number of telltale symptoms. For specific automotive advice, however, seek the guidance of a trained auto mechanic. - Because an alternator effects the proper functioning of a vehicle's lighting system, dimming of the vehicle's lights---including the dashboard lights, headlights and interior lighting---commonly indicates a problem with the alternator. Typically, when you start a car with a properly functioning alternator, the lights will shine brightly and allow for adjustment. However, when a vehicle's alternator has begun to fail, the vehicle's lighting system cannot receive the proper electrical current, which causes the lights to dim. This symptom can occur when you first start the vehicle or while you drive; have the vehicle inspected as soon as you notice your lights dimming so you can replace the alternator if necessary.
- A sluggish or slow-turning engine can also indicate that your alternator has started to go bad. Because the alternator provides electrical support throughout the engine, an engine with a dying alternator will typically turn over extremely slowly when attempting to start. Eventually, the engine will not turn over at all and the car will no longer be able to start. Many times, a faulty battery takes the blame for failure to start; however, the battery cannot start the engine without a well-functioning alternator.
- When a car's radio system stops playing, many vehicle owners first check whether a loose wire within the speaker system is the culprit. Once you have eliminated this possibility, check the alternator. As it does with the headlights and battery, the alternator provides the power necessary to allow the radio to play. In fact, a dead radio sometimes serves as one of the first indications of a problem with the alternator. However, if everything other than the car's radio else seems to be running normally, you may have another issue; if so, take your car to a licensed mechanic for a diagnosis.
Dimming of Lights
Slow-Starting Engine
Non-Playing Radio