Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Running for Fat People - 3 Steps for Starting a Running Program for Overweight People

Starting a running program for overweight people is not actually that hard.
Although many believe that running and other high impact activities are not the best exercise option for fat people, still, there are some strategies that can make startling a running program easier and more fun.
Therefore, if you are overweight and want to begin a running, but don't know how or where to start, then, keep on reading and learn some of the best strategies for safe and effective running exercise.
Make the decision Many overweight people don't even make the decision to start in the first place; obviously, this line of thinking won't benefit you much.
Therefore, if you want to change, then you need to take the first step and make the decision to start a running program.
The first step is always the hard step.
But after a while, things will get easier and smoother.
You just need to get yourself prompted enough to propel you forward andget yourself out of the comfort zone.
And remember, the way you feel and look today are the results of the decisions you have made in the past; now it's the time to break the pattern.
Commit your decision on paper Once you made the decision to start a running program, then you should make the hard commitment by writing it on paper; this is the process of goals setting.
Without well-defined and clear goals, you will be just fighting against the tide and succumb easily to your old patterns of thinking and behaving.
Your goals must be specific, action oriented, and set with a timeframe in mind.
Setting vague and unclear goals is the shortcut to failure and unwanted stress.
Your goals must also be realistic and challenging at the same time, you don't want to get bored from the get go, and you may not thrive on disappointment, because it requires adequate planning! Run (or walk) within your capabilities Many overweight runners make the mistake of running too much at too quick of a pace in the early stages of training.
This only can lead to disaster and increase the likelihood of discomfort and injury.
It's also the reason why many people shy away from starting a running program in the first place.
Therefore, if you want to avoid this dumb mistake and start running the right way, then you should run within your current physical fitness level, and to not push the pace until you feel totally comfortable with running at least 30 minutes non-stop, without much huffing and puffing.
By implementing the above strategies, I was able to lose more than 30 pounds in a record time (without starving myself to death!).
And if you want to learn more about my story and how I did it, then go to my website and download my Free Report.
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