Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

3 simple songs for new voice students

When you are taking voice lesson it is traditional to sing opera songs and art songs. Singing opera normally requires you to learn how to sing intricate passages that the average pop song doesn't have. If your main interest is in singing pop or rock songs it is natural to think that opera is a waste of time. However, learning to sing opera is the best way to develop your voice. If you can sing opera you can sing almost anything. I've had a teacher who compared singing a pop song to riding a bicycle and singing opera to driving a BMW motorcycle in a race. If you are still not convinced that you should learn to sing opera the consider this. If you study opera while others don;t you will be better than them. If you are better than the other singers in your area you will be able to get better gigs then them.

Opera and Art Songs are also often in languages that you might not be familiar with. This will help you be able to get better at pronouncing the lyrics to songs. Good enunciation is vitally important when it comes to getting the emotion of a piece through to your audience. Without emotion your performance will fall flat.

If you still do not believe me and insist that singing opera and art songs are a waste of time. Then at least consider singing musical theater songs. Musical theater is what the songs from broadway musicals are known as. They are not as difficult as opera. They are very similar to pop and rock songs, but if sung properly require you to learn many of the techniques of opera. In some ways musical theater songs are better than art songs because they require you to act some. Any time you sing you should do whatever you can to get the audience to feel what your character is feeling.

Now that you know what types of songs are appropriate for studying voice let me recommend some. I am going to recommend one of each type of song and I will also give you a bit of background.

1. "Già il sole dal Gange" by Alessandro Scarlatti

"Già il sole dal Gange" is an italian aria. It is from his opera L'honestà negli amori which he wrote in 1680. The song is about the sun rising over the Ganges river.

2. "Cabin" by Tennessee Williams and Paul Bowles

Cabin tells the story of a love affair that has gone bad and in now in decay. It has a beautiful haunting melody that when combined with the lyrics can cause chills.

3. "Leaning on a Lamppost" by Noel Gay

"Leaning on a Lamppost" is from the musical Me and My Gal. This song was not in the original play. It was added when the play was revived in the 80's.

Be sure to use the proper technique every time you sing. Make sure you treat your practice sessions like they are performances. This is a good way to make sure your singing is constantly improving. If you want more singing tips then check out this site on how to sing. [] I hope your vocal studies go well and your love of singing grows.

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