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RS: I also heard another rumor that apparently there's a video for Déjà Vu coming.
Tina Novak: I don't think there's a video coming. There's been talks of a video and rumors about a video but there is no video to be seen for Déjà Vu, yet.
RS: Yet. OK. Well, I mentioned the KTU Show before, is that the biggest show you've ever done?
Tina: Well, I've done quite a few arenas a lot on that scale. I think my largest ever audience was sixty-five thousand.
RS: What was that like?
Tina: I love that, I think it's so much fun. You get a different feeling. I like the intimate shows because you can connect more and make eye contact with your audience. But then there's nothing like the energy you get from a big arena and you hear the crowd cheering. It's two totally different feels, but I love them both.
RS: Listening to the album, I noticed you wrote the song Sing My Song.
Tina: Yes?
RS: Is there a story behind that?
Tina: There's a whole lot of stories behind that. A lot of times people say that your song blew up over night and don't always realize how many years and how much work goes into getting your first success story in this business. Without mentioning any names, I've definitely been through a lot in my past experiences. Ray Roc was kind enough to kind of let me have this song as an outlet to have a bit of release. While In the past I wasn't necessarily able to creatively express myself, he's definitely allowed me to do that on this album, and oh boy, I needed it.
RS: Because it's a powerful song.
Tina: It really is such a compliment to me when people say that. I think people can relate to the song for so many different reasons whether it's a personal or work relationship. That song is my little baby because I've really got to put a lot of myself into it so when people recognize through the lyrics or they recognize the song for what it is, that's an honor to me.
RS: Awesome. When you wrote the song did you like have the lyrics written or did you get a track that you wrote it to? What was the song writing process like on that song?
Tina: I actually had the chorus to the song already written before I ever met Ray and I knew exactly what I wanted the track to sound like. Ray was awesome because we were on a really quick deadline, we recorded the entire album in four weeks. "Never" was doing so well that we had to hurry up and get the album out there. I said to Ray that I knew we were on a limited schedule but if there's any time I would like to write this song for the project. Even though we were running on such a close deadline, Ray was awesome because he said I want you to be able to do this song and I really want to get a lot of you on this album. So I told him exactly the feeling I had for the track and he totally felt it. The track was exactly what I heard in my head the way it came out - kind of eerie, a little darker, a little angry, and he really totally did that in the track. Once the track was done, I started writing the rest of the verses and the bridge and it all come together. We worked together on the whole vocal production and the backgrounds and everything. I just love what we came up with.
RS: Because I notice like on every song on the album you sing lead vocals and you sing the backgrounds also.
Tina: Yes. I like to get my hands in as much as I can because, I get so excited and can't stop. I love doing the whole vocal arranging and the background arrangements and it's so different from just recording the leads. They are different ways to express myself creatively.
RS: That's really cool. Do you have anything you want to say to all the people out there reading this?
Tina: I want to say thank you to all of my fans, people that have known me since "Been Around The World" and have come with an open mind to the Roc Project with me. I want to thank all those people because going from an R&B record to a dance album, Ray allowed me to display some of my R&B background. But it's different and sometimes people aren't always accepting of that, so I definitely thank all the people that have followed my music with an open mind. Also I want to thank all of the new Roc Project fans, they've been awesome. We play a lot of clubs in New York and the New Jersey area. We frequent a lot of the same ones and we see a lot of the same faces and definitely have built a following. They are awesome fans, so I definitely just want to thank all of them. Stay with us, because this isn't it and we're putting out more.