Most people are fairly familiar with what bulimia is. It is an eating disorder that many young girls, sometimes boys, develop, especially during their teenage years. It is their attempt at trying to keep their body weight in check, or even to lose weight. They will eat the food they are served, but then they will induce vomiting after that meal when they are able to get away from the table. This activity is usually done in secret and the individual will try their best to hide what they are doing from even their closest family members and friends. Many who have this disorder dont even realize they have a problem and will deny that they could have a problem when confronted by a loved one.
An individual with bulimia will eat a good sized portion of food and then induce vomiting afterwards to get rid of the food they had just eaten. There are a few reasons why an individual would do this. Sometimes it is genes that are inherited by the person. People who inherit the genes are highly susceptible to developing the condition later on. Pressure from students at school could lead to teenage girls, or boys in some cases, to becoming bulimic. An individual can also be pushed into becoming bulimic by pressure from their family to lose weight and to work on their appearance. A low level of confidence in their appearance and body weight, as well as a dislike for their selves can also play a large roll in the individual developing the condition.
This psychological disorder can eventually lead to the death of the individual if they problem is not dealt with. It can be difficult to help a person with bulimia as their first reaction is often denial, especially with individuals who have had the condition for a longer period of time. It can be hard to notice the signs of bulimic activity to most people who are not familiar with it, but there are signs. Common signs to look for include the abuse of diet pills, laxatives, diuretics and induced vomiting. As mentioned before, the signs can easily be missed because the person with the condition will do their best to hide what they are doing, but there is help available for those who have a problem. The trick is first noticing that the person has a problem and then getting that person to realize they might be bulimic and need help.
Bulimia can be a touchy issue for those with the condition. They will want to deny they have the problem and even when they start to accept they are bulimic getting the help can be difficult. There is online therapy available for those who want to ensure that no one else will find out that they are in therapy, especially those who are greatly affected by peer pressure. The patient can easily contact their online therapist from the comfort of their own home and this option eliminates the excuse that help is just too far away. Online therapy is a virtual therapist in the home where the patient can openly communicate with the therapist about their issues in a private and
An individual with bulimia will eat a good sized portion of food and then induce vomiting afterwards to get rid of the food they had just eaten. There are a few reasons why an individual would do this. Sometimes it is genes that are inherited by the person. People who inherit the genes are highly susceptible to developing the condition later on. Pressure from students at school could lead to teenage girls, or boys in some cases, to becoming bulimic. An individual can also be pushed into becoming bulimic by pressure from their family to lose weight and to work on their appearance. A low level of confidence in their appearance and body weight, as well as a dislike for their selves can also play a large roll in the individual developing the condition.
This psychological disorder can eventually lead to the death of the individual if they problem is not dealt with. It can be difficult to help a person with bulimia as their first reaction is often denial, especially with individuals who have had the condition for a longer period of time. It can be hard to notice the signs of bulimic activity to most people who are not familiar with it, but there are signs. Common signs to look for include the abuse of diet pills, laxatives, diuretics and induced vomiting. As mentioned before, the signs can easily be missed because the person with the condition will do their best to hide what they are doing, but there is help available for those who have a problem. The trick is first noticing that the person has a problem and then getting that person to realize they might be bulimic and need help.
Bulimia can be a touchy issue for those with the condition. They will want to deny they have the problem and even when they start to accept they are bulimic getting the help can be difficult. There is online therapy available for those who want to ensure that no one else will find out that they are in therapy, especially those who are greatly affected by peer pressure. The patient can easily contact their online therapist from the comfort of their own home and this option eliminates the excuse that help is just too far away. Online therapy is a virtual therapist in the home where the patient can openly communicate with the therapist about their issues in a private and