- Unless the student is given a specific topic to write about, the first step to writing is coming up with a topic. Have each student brainstorm as many different ideas as possible and write those down. Afterwards, ask the students to read through their lists and circle what they think are the three best ideas. Once each student has done this, have them pick which of the three ideas they'd most like to write about.
- Every essay or story can be broken down into three basic parts: beginning, middle and end. Have the middle schoolers first write down what it is they want to say about their topic, without putting it into any formal order. Once they have done this, ask them to isolate the key components of their topic that they discovered through prewriting. Afterwards, tell them to organize them into a logical order using an outline form.
- With the outline completed, it is time for the students to begin their rough drafts. Using their outlines, have the students expand what they have already written, using proper grammar and sentence structure. Tell them not to worry about getting everything right the first time, but to focus on just getting the writing down. This first draft is really more like a much longer and better written outline.
- Once the students have completed their rough drafts, form them into writing groups of no fewer than three students and no more than five. Have them read each other's work and give constructive critiques, pointing out what is good, what could use work and why. After the students have critiqued each other's writing, have them revise their rough drafts based upon the feedback they have received from their classmates and from you.
- After the revision is complete, it is time to prepare a final draft. Whereas with the revision your middle school students focused on the ideas and structure of their writing, in preparing their final drafts they will proofread their writing to make sure everything is properly spelled and that there are no grammatical mistakes.
Prewriting and Outlines
Rough Draft
Feedback and Revision
Final Draft