Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Vocal Competitions and Talent Shows - How to Pick The Right Contest and Win

In a competition for best vocal performance, there is usually only one winner, and a lot of losers.
Does it have to be that way? Here's how to pick the right contests -- and win.
Here are the conditions that good contest events meet: 1.
The contest isn't rigged.
Judges aren't pre-scripted to say mean things to make people cry for drama and ratings.
Auditions are held in some semblance of comfortable environment.
Contestants aren't subjected to harsh and degrading conditions like standing out in the weather for long hours before auditioning.
Good contests often pre-judge contestants by having them send in their audition recordings so the in-person finalists don't have to wait so long to perform.
Judges couch criticism in ways that are constructive, not destructive, providing professional assessment and valuable advice to each contestant.
All contestants are treated with respect and professionalism instead of like cattle to be used as the contest officials see fit.
Here are the best paths to victory at a vocal competition.
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    if you avoid getting jealous or resentful of unfairness.
    Know going in what spirit is behind the event.
    If you smell that it may be rigged, just take the judging without even a grain of salt.
    Be able to have fun no matter what the outcome...
    or don't audition.
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    if you audition to get experience.
    Most of the time, the only good you get in a contest is experience.
    The more you sing, the more comfortable you get with performance.
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    anytime you make yourself helpful to others.
    A talent show is a great place to show friendship and support to strangers.
    Be truly kind to your fellow contestants.
    The only one we should really be competing with is ourselves.
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    if you get free of psychological hang-ups and get better at your craft.
    If you are using talent contests correctly, you're going to try out again and again -- just for the sake of learning and getting better.
    If "losing" the judgement it's a serious blow to your self-esteem, ask yourself why.
    Take the challenge and dig into stinking thinking that might stand in the way of the freedom of your spirit and of your true creativity.
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    if it humbles you.
    If you thought you were going to win but didn't, and it helps you obtain a bit of humility to know you might need a little help, you definitely come out a winner!
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    and finally, If you happen to win the judging.
    If you do, consider it icing on the cake -- and congratulations! (But don't get the big head).
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