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Since their last album, The Funeral Pyre has changed a bit. They've traded their keyboards in for a second guitarist, and their previous combination of melodic death and black metal is now almost exclusively black metal.
On Wounds, The Funeral Pyre's sound is now not as unique or original as before. However, they compensate for that pretty well with quality songwriting and good musicianship. The songs are bleak and brutal, with punishing guitars and blast beats.
The Funeral Pyre also changes things up, like in the eight minute epic title track that ends with a very mellow and introspective instrumental section. The very next song immediately leaps right back into brutality.
The Funeral Pyre does quite a bit of experimenting on Wounds, and I have a feeling their musical evolution will continue. This CD has a few lulls, but for the most part it's an engaging and well-crafted effort.
(released May 27, 2008 on Prosthetic Records)