Home & Garden Home Appliances

Low Maintenance Drinking Water Purification

Technologies used to supply clean water to the masses have been made small enough that they can easily fit in your home. Utilizing a different array of purification techniques, they strive to deliver clean, pure water for drinking, bathing, and washing your clothes and dishes. With an increased amount of pollutants entering our water systems each year, we need to more than ever be vigilant about cleaning the water before drinking it. With home drinking water purification, you get a steady supply of clean water even if the water supply is polluted.

Various Techniques

There are a ton of different technologies used to clean water. Many complete home systems cost around one thousand dollars, although the price will largely be dependent on the size of the system installed and how much water it filters a day and not by filtering technique. Drinking water purification most commonly uses one of these following purification techniques, and they can all supply all of your water needs during the day short of filling up the pool or watering the lawn each evening.

Distillation for drinking water purification relies on the time tested technique of boiling water to kill bacteria. However, distillation goes a step further by using only the steam, meaning that excess minerals and metals are also removed from the water, and you're left with only pure water. This is one of the most effective drinking water purification systems available on the market today, although its power requirements are likely to be significantly higher than some others, giving it additional costs on your energy bill each month.

Another popular drinking water purification technique is the use of UV rays to kill any bacteria in the water. However, this will leave those minerals and metals in your water, so you'll need to purchase a water softener to take care of those pollutants. The newest technology on the market is reverse osmosis. This uses very fine filters to pick up most pollutants in the water, and the use of carbon filtering (which attracts negatively charged pollutants in the water to carbon molecules) can complement a reverse osmosis drinking water purification system perfectly.

Any of these systems will serve you well, providing enough water each day for bathing, drinking, and washing clothes and dishes. They require very little maintenance, and you won't have to replace any components found in these systems except every few months, if even that. For cheap, efficient, and compact drinking water purification, any of these systems will do the job magnificently, and you'll have the added benefit of having a clean supply of water whenever you need it.
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