- Linden tree (Tilia) is a popular urban landscape tree and referred to as lime tree and basswood tree. The tree is hardy and is favored for its tolerance of alkalinity and high resistance to common insects. Though aphids are likely to infest the tree, they cause little damage other than imparting a sticky coating on the foliage. Linden tree is slow growing and maintains its natural pyramidal shape with little pruning. The small fruit is round and attached to leaf-like structures.
- Littleleaf linden (Tilia cordata) is a deciduous, broadleaf tree that grows 60 to 70 feet. The tree has an upright growth habit and dark-green, glossy foliage. Littleleaf linden blooms with small, fragrant flowers during summer. The tree is hardy in USDA zones 3 to 8 and grows best in areas of full sun to partial shade. Plant in sandy or loamy soil with a preferred pH of 4.5 to 7.3. Littleleaf linden is popularly used as a shade and street tree and is easy to transplant. Related cultivars of littleleaf linden include greenspire with a narrow, oval shape and chancellor, which has a more compact and upright growth habit.
- Silver linden (Tilia tomentosa) is a rapid-growing linden tree and reaches a mature height of 50 to 70 feet with a maximum spread of about 60 feet. Silver linden is deciduous and is commonly used as a shade or specimen tree. Younger silver linden trees are pyramidal in shape but grow into upright, oval canopied trees, occasionally with multiple trunks. The foliage is 4 to 5 inches long with fuzzy, silver undersides. The tree blooms with fragrant yellow or white flower clusters during early summer. Silver linden is hardy in USDA zones 4b to 8a. The tree requires regular pruning for a strong structure and is resistant to breakage. Plant in any well drained, acid or alkaline soil type in full sun or partial shade.
- Redmond American linden (Tilia Americana 'Redmond') is a pyramidal shaped linden variety that grows to a mature height of 65 to 75 feet. The tree grows 30 to 45 feet wide and has upright branches on a straight, tall trunk. The tree retains its lower branches, which sweep gently upwards. The heart-shaped foliage is dark green and 4 to 8 inches long. The highly fragrant yellow flower clusters are 2 to 3 inches and appear in the summer. Redmond American linden is hardy in USDA zones 4 to 8 and is a North American native tree. The tree grows well in full sun or partial shade and in any well-drained soil.
Littleleaf Linden
Silver Linden
Redmond American Linden