Business & Finance Social Media

The World is a Social Network - Are You a Part of It?

Social networking sites have seen a rise in popularity, a rise so steep that a large percentage of the world now belongs to one of the most popular networking sites online.
Facebook and MySpace are amongst the most popular available to internet users and their popularity continues to soar, each one started off as just an idea from the founders, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Tom Anderson (MySpace), but have both turned into the new internet phenomenon.
The amount of people who have signed up to these social networking sites is incredible.
Nearly 240 million people have signed up to MySpace since its induction in 2002 and Facebook have around 80 million since their induction in 2004 but these numbers are constantly increasing as people continue to sign up.
As well as these main sites there are also others such as Bebo and Hi5 that are popular These sites have proved to be very successful and have been used by some famous bands to promote their work.
People use these sites to keep in touch with friends and talk about what they have been doing since they last spoke.
Due to the success of these sites, there are other sites emerging such as foom.
com, which is part of a new breed of social networking sites designed to connect you to the people around you.
If you often visit the same bar or club you can join the relevant group on foom, and if you meet someone that catches your eye but fail to make the next move, do not despair.
You can use foom's "second chance" feature and find him/her and get the chance to say what you wanted to without the trouble of having to think on-the-spot.
The good thing about foom is you can choose to do all this anonymously if you want, just in case you are worried you might be rejected.
These social networking sites are constantly expanding and although MySpace and Facebook lead the way, there are other sites aiming at niche categories that could prove to be very successful in the future.
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