A backyard pond can involve a significant amount of maintenance.
Ponds are nice additions to any backyard, but as with any pond, they require significant maintenance in order to control algae, water quality, filtration media replacements.
In addition, it also requires a significant amount of labour to dig a sufficiently large hole for the pond, not to mention the fact that you need to be concerned about how your pets and children will adapt to the new body of water in your backyard.
For those of you who want a hassle-free water garden, a pondless waterfall is a much more viable solution.
Pondless waterfall kits provide you with all the materials that you require in order to install your very own backyard waterfall.
Imagine having the best of both worlds: the sound of falling water, plus the visual appeal of an actual waterfall in your backyard, without the hassle of having to maintain it.
Using Algreen's Pondless Waterfall Kit, instead of digging a 5' x 5' x 2' hole in your backyard, all you need to do is to dig a hole that is sufficiently large to fit the pump vault.
The pump vault is a "bucket" contraption which measures approximately 20" x 20" x 15" and is used to hold your waterfall pump.
After digging the hole for the pump vault, you will need to build up a mound for the waterfall.
With some dirt and stone from your local quarry, you can lay out your waterfall however you like, to your heart's desire.
Remember to leave room at the top of the waterfall for your biological waterfall filter.
The biological waterfall filter not only provides 5 levels of filtration, in order to keep your water clean, but it also includes a waterfall spout/spillway from which the water will actually fall.
Afterwards, underlay and liner should be laid out from the top of the spillway, all the way down to the hole for the pump vault.
After the hole is lined with underlay/liner, the pump vault is then inserted into the hole.
Eventually, water will flow from the biological waterfall filter, down the liner, and into the hole.
The water will then seap through the walls of the pump vault into the pump vault itself, where the pump will move the water back to the top of the waterfall (where the biological waterfall filter lies).
The final step of the installation procedure is to insert the pump into the pump value, connect the pump to the biological waterfall filter, and to close the lid on top of the pond vault.
Now you can fill the area surrounding the pump vault with pebbles.
With the addition of the pebbles, it will seem like the water from the waterfall is falling directly into the ground!
Ponds are nice additions to any backyard, but as with any pond, they require significant maintenance in order to control algae, water quality, filtration media replacements.
In addition, it also requires a significant amount of labour to dig a sufficiently large hole for the pond, not to mention the fact that you need to be concerned about how your pets and children will adapt to the new body of water in your backyard.
For those of you who want a hassle-free water garden, a pondless waterfall is a much more viable solution.
Pondless waterfall kits provide you with all the materials that you require in order to install your very own backyard waterfall.
Imagine having the best of both worlds: the sound of falling water, plus the visual appeal of an actual waterfall in your backyard, without the hassle of having to maintain it.
Using Algreen's Pondless Waterfall Kit, instead of digging a 5' x 5' x 2' hole in your backyard, all you need to do is to dig a hole that is sufficiently large to fit the pump vault.
The pump vault is a "bucket" contraption which measures approximately 20" x 20" x 15" and is used to hold your waterfall pump.
After digging the hole for the pump vault, you will need to build up a mound for the waterfall.
With some dirt and stone from your local quarry, you can lay out your waterfall however you like, to your heart's desire.
Remember to leave room at the top of the waterfall for your biological waterfall filter.
The biological waterfall filter not only provides 5 levels of filtration, in order to keep your water clean, but it also includes a waterfall spout/spillway from which the water will actually fall.
Afterwards, underlay and liner should be laid out from the top of the spillway, all the way down to the hole for the pump vault.
After the hole is lined with underlay/liner, the pump vault is then inserted into the hole.
Eventually, water will flow from the biological waterfall filter, down the liner, and into the hole.
The water will then seap through the walls of the pump vault into the pump vault itself, where the pump will move the water back to the top of the waterfall (where the biological waterfall filter lies).
The final step of the installation procedure is to insert the pump into the pump value, connect the pump to the biological waterfall filter, and to close the lid on top of the pond vault.
Now you can fill the area surrounding the pump vault with pebbles.
With the addition of the pebbles, it will seem like the water from the waterfall is falling directly into the ground!