Making the time to blog every day will build your business faster than any other single activity.
I have let blogging for my business become the best way to reach people in my target audience who would otherwise never have heard of me or what I do.
When I think back over the past two years or so, I can now see that taking twenty to thirty minutes each morning to make a short post to my blog was the single best way I marketed myself and my business.
Here are some tips on how to get most out of your blog if you are building an online business.
I have let blogging for my business become the best way to reach people in my target audience who would otherwise never have heard of me or what I do.
When I think back over the past two years or so, I can now see that taking twenty to thirty minutes each morning to make a short post to my blog was the single best way I marketed myself and my business.
Here are some tips on how to get most out of your blog if you are building an online business.
- First, I identified my target audience to see who I would be talking to with each of my blog posts.
I wanted to focus on the exact people who would be searching for my products and services and would benefit from knowing more about me.
Do the same for your niche market to get the best results. - Choose the categories of topics you will discuss on your blog.
I began with a list of about ten and over the first few months expanded that list into twenty categories.
This makes it easier for visitors to search for information on the exact topics they are interested in. - Encourage people to leave comments on your blog.
Less than 5% of your visitors will comments, so reminding them or asking them questions about what they think will help to increase that number. - Keep the majority of your blog posts short and to the point.
Let people get in, get the information, take action, and get out in a relatively short amount of time.