Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Can I Get Pregnant Fast? Why Women Can"t Get Pregnant Fast - Increase Your Chances of Conceiving

Everybody has heard the term "biological clock" it refers to the time in a woman's life that she is most fertile is ready to have a child.
If you and your partner are thinking about having children there are several things you can do to increase your chances of having a baby.
If you want to be at the peak of fertility and have the best chance of getting pregnant fast you need to make sure your body is in optimal health.
There are many simple things that both you and your partner can do to give yourself a better chance of conceiving a child.
How to Get Pregnant Fast: 1) Diet - Make certain that both the man and woman eat a well balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients and vitamins.
Woman should make sure that they start taking a prenatal vitamin the moment they start trying to get pregnant.
Men should also make certain that they maintain a healthy lifestyle with plenty of vitamin C and zinc to help increase there sperm count and mobility.
2) Lubricant - Do not use a sexual lubricant when trying to get pregnant, sexual lubricants can harm the male's sperm and also make it harder for a male's sperm to reach the woman's egg.
If you need to use a sexual lubricants use egg white that work great as a lubricant but will not harm the mans sperms mobility.
3) Herbs - There are several natural herbal remedies that may help increase your fertility.
Chaste berry is an herb that help the woman regulate there hormones and is known to aid in fertility.
Dong Quai is a well known Chinese herb that is known to boost the estrogen level in woman and aid the female egg in becoming implanted in the womb.
There are several herb that you should avoid when trying to get pregnant that include Ginkgo Biloba, Echinacea and St.
Johns Wart.
Other things that you want to stay away from are caffeine and excessive amount of milk that can decrease your chances of conception.
Getting pregnant is all about making your body as health and fertile as possible.
Eating right getting plenty of rest and exercising regularly all can help you be at the peak of fertility and greatly enhance your chance on conceiving a baby.
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