Business & Finance Blogging

You Are the Expert: 4 Reasons to Tell the World

Remember when you were in school and just back from summer vacation and your first assignment in English was, "in 250 words and not more than 500 words, write what you did over the summer.
" Collective groan.
Now that you are older and have products and services to sell, you are dying to tell your story, right? But, you don't have a teacher prompting you.
So, you know you need to pull out the laptop and let it fly with who you are, what you represent and what you can do for others.
Maybe you are asking yourself at this point, well, I have a business doing okay, a website, a store, an advertising budget, why do I need to write stuff? I can give you 4 good reasons to start writing and collecting the writings in a blog page on your website or on a stand alone blog.
Establish yourself as an expert - You are good at something, right? After all, we all excel at something.
You may know that you are good, your significant other may know too.
But does the prospect who is culling through the Internet looking for someone who can solve their problem? Where are you in the search and where are you on the expert radar? Telling people you are an expert will make you an expert.
The more you write about a subject and gather a following, the more exposure your will get.
Let that expert out and make some revenue on your expertise.
Draw visitors to your offering - The more your name and business is out there floating down the Internet River, the more buyers will know about you.
It's like the cradle of civilization that grew up along the Nile River.
Commerce expanded and those down the river eventually knew about the products and services of those up river.
Draw visitors to your hut and show them your wares.
Express yourself - Hopefully you love what you do and love to express the love of your game.
If you spend time articulating what you do and how you are unique, you will start to attract people to you.
They will see that you are genuine and enthusiastic about your life.
They will want to be around you in a virtual way.
Article Marketing and Syndication - Other than your blog, in the Internet world there are services that publish articles and then send them off on the Internet River and others go to the banks of the river and fish out your article and use it in their village.
This is a great way to get your expertise out there with help from a few million of your friends...
if you are lucky and a fantastic writer.
But, you can plan on at least a dozen of sites to syndicate that article.
Also, it is cool to see your work published.
So what are you waiting for? Go tell your stories.
Fill them up with good keywords, significant and relevant content, plug them in your cool, SEO blog and you will become a big human magnet.
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