Health & Medical Diabetes

The Complications and Natural Treatment of Diabetes

Did you know that the majority of pharmaceutical companies also create toxins and poisons, that actually contribute to the chronic diseases, their drugs treat? So they not only get money from selling the drug itself, but also from selling drugs that treat the side effects.
It is very difficult to overcome the influence of pharmaceutical companies, because they are so powerful.
Did you also know that the average American consumes 63 pounds of sugar a year? Sugar is the main factor that causes diabetes.
The problem is not that we use sugar, but the amount we use that is a problem.
Now people have turned to artificial sweetners as an alternative to sugar.
But there are several problems with that a well.
Aspartame (NutraSweet) is one of those chemicals that is widely used.
It is 180 times more sweeter than sugar.
Studies have shown that Aspartame, which is put in processed foods and soft drinks, is actually a very dangerous chemical.
It can lead to conditions like: sclerosis, tinnitus and systemic lupus, especially among Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi Drinkers.
If you are Aspartame user and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss you probably have Aspartame disease.
Coke and Diet Pepsi are not diet products and will make you fat.
The reason why chemicals like Aspartame are still widely used, is that the companies that make the product, get hugh profits from them.
One alternative to Aspartame is Stevia, which is found in South-America.
Stevia is 300 times more sweeter than sugar and is non-caloric.
It also has medical properties.
It can lower blood pressure, prevent or reverse diabetes and possess anti-viral properties.
Diabetes is also known as the silent killer, for good reason.
Complications from diabetes come over time and that can give people false sense of security.
A lot of people think that if they feel good, they are fine and healthy.
Here are some of the complications of diabetes: Cardiovascular System- When blood sugar is high the body can not have the circulation it needs.
I blood sugar is high the blood also gets sticky, which means the heart has to do a lot more work.
The heart also can not the nutrition it needs to gain strength.
Nerve Damage and Disease- Decreased circulation to feet and other parts like fingers, can damage nerve functions.
The nerves lose their ability to sense pain, pressure, touch, or temperature correctly, which results in tingling and numbness.
Vision Problems- There are usually no symptoms until damage has happened.
That is why it is important to check your vision early.
You can have 20/20 vision at one point, but due to hemorrhage, it change quickly.
Retinopathy, macular edema, glaucoma, and cataracts are the more common eye disorders related to diabetes.
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