Updated March 05, 2015.
Kevin finds out.
July 15, 1999
6 weeks 4 days
Last night went really well. I picked him up from the airport and he was in a really good mood about the job interview. We went to dinner and were having a nice time, but I still felt like I was in a cranky mood.
I just looked across the table and said, "Well, I have some news too."[P. "Oh," he said calmly. "Quads or Triplets?"
"No, just twins."
"Well, good, I was worried that it was more."
Then I told him about my appointment, and why I chose not to tell him about the appointment or the babies until after his interview. And he had the nerve to say that the information would have calmed him down since he was worried about quads! MEN!
I'm still really tired, and after all of the running around to get him ready for the interview and the trip, it was very nice to sleep in this morning.
Although I'm semi-nesting. I woke up and started laundry, and dishes, and thought about cleaning the bathtub. Then, while I was folding clothes, I almost cried over a commercial. Ugh, that's something I do, and I hate it!
So, other than feeling tired, cranky, moody about commercials, and pukey most of the day, I'm doing ok. I've lost weight, which is what I normally do, but I'm really going to have to stick with the protein this time around and get these babies to a decent gestation.
Kevin finds out.
July 15, 1999
6 weeks 4 days
Last night went really well. I picked him up from the airport and he was in a really good mood about the job interview. We went to dinner and were having a nice time, but I still felt like I was in a cranky mood.
I just looked across the table and said, "Well, I have some news too."[P. "Oh," he said calmly. "Quads or Triplets?"
"No, just twins."
"Well, good, I was worried that it was more."
Then I told him about my appointment, and why I chose not to tell him about the appointment or the babies until after his interview. And he had the nerve to say that the information would have calmed him down since he was worried about quads! MEN!
I'm still really tired, and after all of the running around to get him ready for the interview and the trip, it was very nice to sleep in this morning.
Although I'm semi-nesting. I woke up and started laundry, and dishes, and thought about cleaning the bathtub. Then, while I was folding clothes, I almost cried over a commercial. Ugh, that's something I do, and I hate it!
So, other than feeling tired, cranky, moody about commercials, and pukey most of the day, I'm doing ok. I've lost weight, which is what I normally do, but I'm really going to have to stick with the protein this time around and get these babies to a decent gestation.