Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Go Email Crazy With the Palm Pre Plus

The Palm Pre Plus is surely a beautiful mobile phone to look at, but is it ideal for emails? These days, mobile phones do more than just text and call. They now allow you the luxury of receiving and sending out emails from wherever you may be. This is an advantage we all look for in mobile phones.

The Pre Plus is a phone that can make you enjoy emails in any place at any time. It was designed to make you receive and send out mail on the go. It has an assortment of features that can accomplish this for you, which dwarfs other phones in the market. This is how it does this.

Side By Side Viewing Of Email Accounts

The phone allows you the ability to customize your email's inbox. You can either view your email accounts separately or all together. You can view business emails alone; you can view them all combined in the favorites folder, and you can view personal email accounts like Yahoo Mail, Gmail, and other accounts. In any option you choose, you only need to go to one place to view all of your email accounts on the Palm Pre Plus.

Receive Notifications Of Received Emails In Real Time

Whether you are watching a video, viewing images, or surfing the web on the phone, you are sure to never miss emails. On the bottom of the phone's screen, you will receive a notification that an email has been sent to you from any of your email accounts. The best thing about this feature is that you can choose how often you get these notifications. You can choose to get notifications every minute; you can choose to get notifications every hour, or you can choose to manually check on the Palm Pre Plus.

Email Search By Simply Typing

Searching for emails can be an enduring task, especially if you have received tons of mail. The Pre Plus eliminates this dilemma. With the mobile phone, all you have to do is type in the initial letters of an email address, a name, or email subject. As you type, matching results will appear. Say goodbye to sifting through hundreds of emails to find what you are looking for.

As you can see, one of the design aspects of the phone was to make emails much easier to do. With the Palm Pre Plus, you can go email crazy.

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