- 1). Insert the memory card into the memory card slot in your phone if it is not already in place.
- 2). Connect your phone to your computer using the data cable.
- 3). Navigate to your "Start" menu, and then look for "My Computer." Look under the "Devices with Removable Storage" section and choose "Removable Disk." This is your phone's memory card.
- 4). Open the folder on your computer where your video files are located, for example, "My Documents."
- 5). Drag your video files into the "Removable Disk" folder.
- 6). Disconnect your phone from the computer when you are notified that the transfer of files is complete.
- 7). Check your phone and make sure that your video files are there. You will find your videos under the "Fun & Apps" menu selection. Under "Fun & Apps," you will choose "Files" and then choose "Videos." You will see "Memory Card" as an option. Choose that option to see your videos that are saved on your memory card.