Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Fourth Grade Sunday School Activities

    Musical Tambourines

    • Make musical tambourines to use for singing Sunday school hymns. Take two paper plates and staple them together with dry beans or pasta inside. Do the stapling yourself or have another adult help so that kids do not try to use the stapler and cut themselves. If time allows, kids can decorate the plates beforehand by drawing crosses or other religious signs or writing their favorite Bible verse.

    Class Bible Story Reenactment

    • Have the class enact a story from the Bible. Choose a story that incorporates many different characters so that the whole class can participate. Assign parts and prepare costumes for each student or have them prepare them at home with parents. Schedule a performance for the class to enact the Bible story to another class or to parents or the entire church congregation.


    • Create bingo boards to reinforce material taught in class. Write 24 questions (a bingo board has 25 spaces with one free space) based on content that you have already presented to the class or that students have learned from reading or homework assignments. The answers to the questions should be haphazardly erased on each bingo board so that no two boards are the same. Read questions aloud, one at a time, giving students a chance to mark their board in the space with the answer that corresponds with the question you have read aloud. Award a prize to the student who finishes first, but keep playing so that you can continue with questions. Award prizes to the students who finish in second and third place as well.

    Group Skits

    • Read a Bible story together as a class. Then divide students into groups of three to five. Challenge students to organize a little skit that relates to the moral of the story. For instance, you could read the story of the Good Samaritan and then ask students to come up with a modern-day skit about helping out a stranger in need.

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