- There are numerous things to consider, plan and do to prepare for a wedding. One task is acquiring a wedding license to make the nuptials legally binding. The answers to some frequently asked questions regarding wedding licenses can help ease your stress and make the process go a bit smoother. Each county has its own specific requirements; however there are basic guidelines that are typically the same in any county.
- Most counties, states and countries require applicants to be 18, or whatever the age of consent is in that community. There are provisions for minors, which may include parental permission--signed and notarized, or approval by the court.
- Proof of identity and age are typically required. This may include a valid government-issued ID, such as a driver's license, military ID or passport. Certified copies of both of your birth certificates and any divorce or annulment decrees may be required, as well. Some locations require one of the parties to be a resident, in which proof of residency may be necessary.
- The county clerk's office is generally the place where marriage licenses are obtained. If you are unsure, call your local county clerk or visit their website.
- Some counties require couples to complete a premarital class or course before a marriage license will be issued. Blood tests or physicals may be required to determine if either party has any genetic or venereal diseases.
- The cost of the marriage license varies from county to county. The fee for the license does not typically include the fee for a certified copy of the marriage certificate. Once the service is performed and the officiant signs the marriage license, as well as a witness, it must be filed with the county clerk before the marriage becomes legal and a certificate is issued. Check with your county clerk for the exact amount of the license and certificate. Some counties charge a credit card fee, some don't take checks and others only accept money orders.
- The marriage license is typically issued on the day the couple goes into the county clerk's office. They must apply together, supply all of the required documents and pay the fee. Some counties have a waiting period from the time the license is issued until the wedding can take place. The license will expire if not used within a specified time frame, such as 30 or 90 days.
How Old Do I Have To Be?
What Documents Do I Need?
Where Do I Get My License?
Are There Any Other Requirements?
How Much Will It Cost?
How Long Does It Take?