Business & Finance Blogging

Getting Your Blog Set Up and Ready to Generate Revenue For You

Setting up your blogging site is incredibly easy, although if you have no idea how to do that this can be a tricky and frustrating thing to figure out.
You've landed on the answer to your problem here so take a deep breath and let's get started down the road to success shall we? I will take you through a three step process that will enlighten you very easily and open your awareness forever.
You will see just how simple it is in a moment.
Step One: Setting up Your blog site Setting up a blog site is as simple as getting a domain name and a hosting package.
Even the cheapest (in the hosting world cheap never equates to useless just less than another hosting package with more features) hosting has a blog script built in that will get your blog infrastructure going for you.
All you have to do once you set up your hosting package is to go into the Cpanel (make sure it has this type of panel actually) and click the "fantastico" icon.
This is a packaged and generic (but extremely customizable group of blog scripts).
Inside you will find a series of scripts that you can use to set up your blog atmosphere.
The blog script of choice with many marketers is WordPress for reasons of being easy to use, highly customizable, and upgradable with plug-ins.
These scripts are built into your hosting already so you just follow the prompts after double clicking the icon for WordPress and it will guide you through setting it up.
WordPress has a large community forum base you can visit if you need help setting it up.
You will in time learn all about how to play with it to make it your own design.
Now that you have your blog site set up let's set it up to generate money once we put content on it, this is step two - Step 2: Monetization of your Blog property There are some very intriguing ways to generate money with your blog property.
You can play around with them and see which one works best for you.
The only way to see which will work forYOU is to test market.
You can always switch back to one if the other fails.
AdSense textual or pictorial ads AdSense is a popular way to monetize your blog property because what happens is you essentially add a piece of code where you want Google to drop relevant ads on your page usually on the side bar or at the top of the blog pages.
When people write articles on your blog site their articles will become laced with these ads wherever in the template you put the code.
Again you can use the forums at WordPress to learn how to insert this, there are many ways to do this.
When people click the ads you get paid, simple as that.
It is a numbers game.
The more blogs you write or get others to write and the more traffic you get to your site the more money will pour into your AdSense account.
You sign up for your AdSense account at Google.
You can place your own advertisements on the blog as well which will appear on every page just like the ads.
This is a more advanced form of monetizing so you may want to start out with AdSense first to get a feel for how it works.
If you do go with this option you will simply put banners on the site with code and offer to rent the space.
The person paying for the space will supply the banner and will pay you for an agreed upon rate for the use of your blog space (primarily your traffic will determine how valuable this space will be).
You can use a method that is a cross between options one and two.
Click bank is an affiliate site and offers a banner revolver that essentially puts your affiliate ID on all of the ads and every time the page is refreshed a new ad is displayed.
The products in the ads are essentially being advertised so they go to a sales page.
If anyone clicks through you don't get paid but if they buy the product you get a usually high commission of around 60% of what the product sells for.
It fluctuates between sellers but this could be a valuable way to generate an income stream.
You could incorporate a few different ideas such as AdSense AND Clickbank.
You may want to check with the respective sites to make sure it's OK to put both on the same page as sometimes they have rules against this sort of thing (to avoid competition).
Step 3:Build Traffic, your bread and butter Now you have your property set up you need some blogs to give people a reason to be there (and hopefully they will click an ad).
You can write your own blogs or you can invite others to do so.
Many people when starting a blog site will outsource hundreds of articles to instantly populate the blog site which invites others to write write on it.
For every blog page you put up you should do a rewrite of the blog of about 400 words and insert a linkback to the blog site and publish this rewrite (make it different and unique from the original just recycle the concept not the words) to an article submission site to get linkback traffic.
This will raise your search engine ranking thus bringing more traffic to your site.
That's it.
Publish, rinse and repeat!
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