Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Why Do We Need Fitness? How Training and Exercise Can Add Years to Your Life

Fitness training reduces stress, helps develop healthy eating habits, increases good cholesterol and does wonders for body weight reduction.
Unlike people of other cities; folks in Somerville are extremely health conscious and follow a strict fitness and diet regime.
They believe in the concept of regular exercise and believe that regular exercise increases life expectancy, and reduces the risk of cardiac arrest and stroke, and brings in a sense of safety and health.
In recent years the members of the city have participated in "Shape Up Somerville" which promotes weight loss and healthy eating to all community members.
In today's world people have a lot of ailments because of unhealthy eating, lack of exercise and a hectic lifestyle.
Exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and not drinking are some of the habitual combinations that can probably minimize your visits to the doctor and extend your life.
Apparently people of Somerville have also realized that fact and have opted for all kinds of fitness regimes to keep themselves fit like jogging and other high aerobic exercises.
Because they believe that only an adequate amount of exercise can help in reducing blood sugar level and blood pressure.
Basic types of fitness and exercise, such as walking and weight lifting, also helps in releasing powerful hormones that fights with the dangerous toxins.
It also enhances your body's capacity to battle with oxidants.
But when you initiate your health regime always begin with light weights, and slowly & steadily keep increasing the weight as your strength improves.
Try to build up a healthy thirty minute walk at a good pace.
Participating in any kind of light aerobic training really enhances a person's health and fitness level as it helps in reducing more calories.
Combined with a healthy diet, any exercise and fitness program produces even more health benefits.
As you progress be sure to include some interval running and jogging, and seek the advice of a qualified fitness professional to help you with your training program.
If you long for a better health, improved digestive system, more power, make a commitment to work out at least five times a week, even if it's a half an hour walk.
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