When someone mentions the word "organic" to you, I bet the first thing you think of is...
But do you really know what it means to be labeled "organic" ? Let alone the benefits an organic product has for your health? Let's start out with the term organic: to keep something in it's most natural state possible without alteration from outside sources.
Such as chemicals from mankind.
Let's take berry bushes we grow in our back yard for example.
We want luscious beautiful fruit, so we break out the miracle grow and the pest spray to keep those nasties away.
We stick some automatic plant feeding stakes in the ground so we don't need to worry about things so often and voila.
We have succeeded to give ourselves an abundance of fruit that we think is wonderful for us.
But the sad truth is that it really isn't.
Do you realize that years of feeding plants chemicals to make them grow does nothing for our health? Think about this for a moment.
The soil is where a plant gets it's nutrients.
Plants don't live off of chemicals, they live off of minerals found naturally in the soil, like sulfur, nitrogen, iron, etc...
Now if the soil no longer has these minerals and we feed the plants with other substances, can the food we are producing in abundance really be healthy? When growing organically, farmers are putting minerals and natural substances back into the soil for the plants to thrive on.
Not chemicals, which in turn returns the minerals back to the food that is produced.
Now if you think about this and let it soak in, you will realize something phenomenal.
If you compare the nutrient content of mass produced chemically fed produce to organic produce, you will notice significantly higher vitamin and mineral contents in the organic produce.
Let me give you an example: In the 1940s a serving of spinach used to have 40g of iron per serving.
Compared to today 6g per serving.
WOW! What a massive difference.
You can't even tell me that there is something definitely wrong with that picture.
Organic truly is the way to go.
In everything we eat, in everything we do.
If we take a look around at what chemicals are doing to not only us as adults, but our children, they are obese, entering puberty at much younger ages, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders are so much more common among them.
There are links that range from their shots given during their growing years to the foods they consume with preservatives and dyes.
Natural substances are going to be the key to everything from here on out.
I think everyone will agree.
I have found some great nutritional supplements and food bars that are from organic products at http://www.
com You may want to give some of them a try, or find some like them.
It's your health and your future.
Here's to you.
But do you really know what it means to be labeled "organic" ? Let alone the benefits an organic product has for your health? Let's start out with the term organic: to keep something in it's most natural state possible without alteration from outside sources.
Such as chemicals from mankind.
Let's take berry bushes we grow in our back yard for example.
We want luscious beautiful fruit, so we break out the miracle grow and the pest spray to keep those nasties away.
We stick some automatic plant feeding stakes in the ground so we don't need to worry about things so often and voila.
We have succeeded to give ourselves an abundance of fruit that we think is wonderful for us.
But the sad truth is that it really isn't.
Do you realize that years of feeding plants chemicals to make them grow does nothing for our health? Think about this for a moment.
The soil is where a plant gets it's nutrients.
Plants don't live off of chemicals, they live off of minerals found naturally in the soil, like sulfur, nitrogen, iron, etc...
Now if the soil no longer has these minerals and we feed the plants with other substances, can the food we are producing in abundance really be healthy? When growing organically, farmers are putting minerals and natural substances back into the soil for the plants to thrive on.
Not chemicals, which in turn returns the minerals back to the food that is produced.
Now if you think about this and let it soak in, you will realize something phenomenal.
If you compare the nutrient content of mass produced chemically fed produce to organic produce, you will notice significantly higher vitamin and mineral contents in the organic produce.
Let me give you an example: In the 1940s a serving of spinach used to have 40g of iron per serving.
Compared to today 6g per serving.
WOW! What a massive difference.
You can't even tell me that there is something definitely wrong with that picture.
Organic truly is the way to go.
In everything we eat, in everything we do.
If we take a look around at what chemicals are doing to not only us as adults, but our children, they are obese, entering puberty at much younger ages, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders are so much more common among them.
There are links that range from their shots given during their growing years to the foods they consume with preservatives and dyes.
Natural substances are going to be the key to everything from here on out.
I think everyone will agree.
I have found some great nutritional supplements and food bars that are from organic products at http://www.
com You may want to give some of them a try, or find some like them.
It's your health and your future.
Here's to you.