- 1). Familiarize yourself with the smell of marijuana smoke. It has a very distinct smell that you won't find in anything else. Even incense that is made to smell like marijuana doesn't really smell like it. This can be difficult if you have never smelled marijuana before. The only way to legally smell it is to contact your local police station. They will normally put you in contact with their anti-drug program where they have samples for you to view and smell.
- 2). Look for bloodshot eyes and overall drowsiness. Marijuana can make people appear sleepy. You will also notice a lack of motivation on their part. But evaluate the situation before you go accusing because these are all normal traits teenagers portray from time to time. When they get excessive that's what set them apart.
- 3). Look for paraphernalia. Smoking pipes, bongs, rolling papers, stems, and seeds can be a dead give away. Check your trash for homemade pipes or bongs. Pop cans and water bottles with aluminum foil are common homemade pipes.
- 4). Pay attention to how much your child is eating. Marijuana use increases your appetite. If they seem to be eating right when they get home or more than they usually do, this could be a sign of marijuana use.
- 5). Try to talk to your child closely. If they have been smoking, chances are they won't want you to get close to them for fear of you noticing the smell or their blood shot eyes. If your child is keeping you at a distance, it's probably for a reason. Most teens will do or say almost anything to avoid getting caught smoking weed.