- 1). Cut the sides of a trench that is 6 inches deep along the borders of your lawn. Zoysia's underground runners, which are known as rhizomes, will not spread beneath the ground at this depth. A trench this deep will also keep your edging from being disrupted from frost heave.
- 2). Scoop out the dirt from the trench with a shovel. Remove any roots with a pair of branch loppers so that the bottom of the trench is smooth and straight.
- 3). Buckle together strips of metal edging so that they are the correct length to fit within your trench using the metal buckles that are sold along with the edging. Cut the edging to size using a pair of tin snips.
- 4). Insert the edging into the trench and press it up against one trench wall. The edging should stick above the soil high enough to prevent zoysia's above ground runners, which are known as stolons, from creeping over the top of them. Insert a set of stakes into the slots that are cut into the edging for them. Hammer the stakes into the ground to anchor the metal edging in place with a mallet.
- 5). Fill in the trench on either side of the edging with soil. The zoysia will spread right up to the edge of the barrier, but will not be able to creep over it.