If you were able to write high quality articles in less than 20 minutes, it could have a large impact on your overall productivity.
If you are writing for money, this means more money with less time put into the writing process.
If you are writing as article marketing, this means more marketing with less time invested (better bottom line) and if you are writing to help establish yourself as an expert in your niche, this means you can get there a lot faster.
It all begins with learning to create a faster article without losing the quality.
Here are some tips for writing high quality articles in less than 20 minutes: 1.
Write what you know.
When you write about topics you are already familiar with, it will require less research and will make it easier and faster to write about.
You can cut down the research time considerably, allowing you to write articles in less than 20 minutes that still contain quality information.
Do your research ahead of time.
When you can't always go just on what you know, then there may be some research required.
But a good way to help you write faster is to get the research out of the way ahead of time.
For example, you may take an allotted time period to research for five different articles you are writing.
Once all the research is in place, you can then write each of those articles in less than 20 minutes each, allowing you to breeze through the writing process.
Start with a list of ideas and concepts you want to cover.
Brainstorm for a bit on them and then go with the ones that have the most info coming into your mind right away.
Sometimes you need to think on an article idea for awhile.
This does not count towards your 20 minutes; just leave it and return to it later.
Use bullet points and numbered lists in the article.
People enjoy reading in this manner when the article is published on the Internet and it also greatly increases the flow of the writing process.
This means you can write more easily because you have a structure for what should be coming next.
Now that you know these tips on how to write high quality articles in less than 20 minutes, you can begin applying these tactics to the articles that you write.
While every single article you ever write may not be done in under 20 minutes, there are tactics you can use to help you write some articles this quickly.
When you learn to take advantage of this to its fullest, you will be able to get more done in less time.
If you are writing for money, this means more money with less time put into the writing process.
If you are writing as article marketing, this means more marketing with less time invested (better bottom line) and if you are writing to help establish yourself as an expert in your niche, this means you can get there a lot faster.
It all begins with learning to create a faster article without losing the quality.
Here are some tips for writing high quality articles in less than 20 minutes: 1.
Write what you know.
When you write about topics you are already familiar with, it will require less research and will make it easier and faster to write about.
You can cut down the research time considerably, allowing you to write articles in less than 20 minutes that still contain quality information.
Do your research ahead of time.
When you can't always go just on what you know, then there may be some research required.
But a good way to help you write faster is to get the research out of the way ahead of time.
For example, you may take an allotted time period to research for five different articles you are writing.
Once all the research is in place, you can then write each of those articles in less than 20 minutes each, allowing you to breeze through the writing process.
Start with a list of ideas and concepts you want to cover.
Brainstorm for a bit on them and then go with the ones that have the most info coming into your mind right away.
Sometimes you need to think on an article idea for awhile.
This does not count towards your 20 minutes; just leave it and return to it later.
Use bullet points and numbered lists in the article.
People enjoy reading in this manner when the article is published on the Internet and it also greatly increases the flow of the writing process.
This means you can write more easily because you have a structure for what should be coming next.
Now that you know these tips on how to write high quality articles in less than 20 minutes, you can begin applying these tactics to the articles that you write.
While every single article you ever write may not be done in under 20 minutes, there are tactics you can use to help you write some articles this quickly.
When you learn to take advantage of this to its fullest, you will be able to get more done in less time.