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The US and the Tea Party - What Direction Are We Moving In?

Nothing has changed about politics.
The reality is, every year a new President is elected, midterm elections take control away from the party in power and towards the party not president.
It happened to President Bush Jr.
, President Clinton, and President Bush Sr, although he only had one term.
these are just the statistics.
What is unusual about this new movement, and rather frightening, is the common use of the phrase, "We want our country back.
" I find this rather scary because I wonder, from whom do they want it back from? Who took their country, and why wasn't I informed? President Obama is not the first President to use government as a tool to try and find stability in the economy.
In fact, every President since the 20th century, has used the government to assist businesses or individuals.
Stimulus packages, the use of credit, FDIC insurance at your banks, Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, and many other forms of social programs like public schools, have been used to keep people secure.
What I am seeing as a major issue is not that these programs are in existence, although some have made arguments regarding reversing some of these programs, but what I see the most of is that people want "their" social program for "them" not for "others.
" What is scary about that way of thinking is ultimately, who decides who the "others" are? This centrist kind of thinking is what lead to many wars, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
While many of you may think this is ridiculous, those people might be reminded about what lead up to the holocaust.
Economic strife and unrest was the foundation for the Fascist injustice against humanity.
It began with putting people into ghettos, limiting the movement of Jews, determining curfews and types of jobs they were allowed to work.
Jews were forced to wear yellow stars and carry their papers on them at all times.
I am truly afraid that this country is going down that road again.
When people feel their livelihood is at stack they go to any and all methods to protect themselves.
The Tea Party movement is using a similar method of thinking as President Bush's camp did during his Presidency.
I'm not making a judgment call here.
911 was scary and not knowing who your enemy was or is, is even scarier.
But, as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory.
I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.
" Our government is not perfect, and like all business men and women, they like their job.
I am not against this idea of pushing the incumbents out of office, in fact, one of my past postings was about namely that, the need for new blood in Congress, but I don't say that out of fear.
I say that out of understanding of how Congress works.
While boring, the The Dysfunctional Congress?: The Individual Roots Of An Institutional Dilemma (Dilemmas in American Politics ">Dysfunctional Congress is a great book because it illustrates the internal issues that plague Congress.
Maybe the Framers never anticipated the US becoming so large.
Britain, France, other nations during that time that were of great power, never showed a movement of growth the way the United States has grown.
But regardless of size, it was always intended that Congress would be a check and balance of the Executive Branch of government.
It is not surprising that we may have a Republican run Congress because that is the usual way of business.
But not for the same reasons now.
I really want to know what people are so afraid of, what makes them say their country has been taken from them, what freedoms have been taken? I thought that during the Bush administration when the Patriot Act was signed into law.
That law scares me to death, but that didn't spark the same fear as this new Health Care Bill has done.
It doesn't make sense to me.
It's not logical.
This movement has not explained clearly what it wants, what it stands for, and therefore I am skeptical.
Who head this organization? And what are they fighting for? All I see are extremely conservative, bordering on racist ideologies and extremist thinking.
Those aren't my ideals, that isn't the direction I want my country moving in.
Senator McCain and President George Bush had very similar perspective on the immigration issue.
McCain working with Senator Kennedy on an Immigration bill to help deal with this problem fairly.
I find this movement to be unrealistic and unreasonable.
The world is getting larger, not smaller, and we have to find ways to accommodate and change with that knowledge.
Closing borders has never been in the best interests of the United States, and never will be.
We are too large a country, and at one time too well respected to turn our backs to the world.
While I do not agree with everything President Obama does as President, I also do not believe in conspiracy theories about his patronage or religion.
I implore people to be less self interested and more proactive.
Instead of going off of what people tell you about a document, read the document and figure it out for yourself.
And, try to think about this if the shoe were on the other foot.
Yes, changes need to be made in Washington.
The Good Old boys in Washington are a problem, but don't replace them with more of the same.
It takes a special person to want to be a politician.
Think about why they are running and what they want.
Think about it they even know what they are doing.
Freshmen members are able to do very little, especially while they wait to see which committees they will be on.
Don't think you'll see change that quickly, if at all! That is the reality of Congress.
But isn't interesting, I voted for these changes that have people up in arms! The things President Obama has done are things he promised to do during his campaign.
We shouldn't be surprised that he advocated for new health care reform because he said he would.
Were people listening?
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