Sure that morning jog sounds like a good idea but I really don't know if I can manage it.
Sound familiar? If so, here are some quick tips that will help you get your shoes on and out the door for that morning run.
Tip 1 - Set out your clothes the night before.
Or sleep in them.
Yes, that's right.
Some people will actually sleep in their running clothes.
That way, when they wake up, if they want to do something other than running, they'll have to put forth the effort to change their clothes first.
(Unless you work in a sporting goods store.
) If sleeping in your running gear doesn't work for you, set them out the night before.
That way you'll be going to sleep with thoughts of running still in your head and you're going to be much more likely to awaken thinking about that morning jog.
Tip 2 - Set your alarm clock...
on the other side of the room.
If you're one of those sleepers more likely to hit the snooze button or shut off the alarm before returning to the land of slumber, put your alarm clock well out of reach.
If you have to get out of bed to shut it off, you're much more likely to stay up.
I've even seen alarm clocks that are in a ball.
When it goes off, it starts rolling around the room.
Starting the day off with an alarm clock chase might just help get you in the mood for running.
Tip 3 - Get to bed early...
or take an afternoon nap.
If you need to wake up earlier to fit in your morning run, your body will demand the amount of sleep it is used to receiving.
Make sure you give it enough daily sleep by going to bed a little earlier.
If that's not working for you, perhaps you can work in a little afternoon siesta.
Tell your boss about the research that shows that people who nap during the day are more productive than their non-napping counterparts.
Tip 4 - Recruit a running buddy.
If your alarm clock just won't get you there, perhaps a running partner knocking at your door at 5 am will get you going.
If meeting at home doesn't work, just making the commitment to run with somebody else may be enough to make you stick to your plans.
Set the schedule with your running buddy, and agree to stick with it.
Tip 5 - Get some quick energy.
First thing in the morning, you probably won't have much stored energy available for jogging.
I usually feel like I'm running on empty first thing in the morning so I grab a quick and light snack for some fast energy.
Good healthy choices are things like a banana, a fruit smoothy or a bowl of cereal.
These move quickly into my system giving me enough energy to last the run.
Avoid heavy foods rich in protein or fat as these will take too much energy to digest and may leave you feeling even worse.
Try incorporating some or all of these tips to help you get going in the morning.
Running for fitness is a great way to start the day.
You'll likely feel better getting your day going after a run than you do on non-running mornings.
Your body will thank you for it too.
Sound familiar? If so, here are some quick tips that will help you get your shoes on and out the door for that morning run.
Tip 1 - Set out your clothes the night before.
Or sleep in them.
Yes, that's right.
Some people will actually sleep in their running clothes.
That way, when they wake up, if they want to do something other than running, they'll have to put forth the effort to change their clothes first.
(Unless you work in a sporting goods store.
) If sleeping in your running gear doesn't work for you, set them out the night before.
That way you'll be going to sleep with thoughts of running still in your head and you're going to be much more likely to awaken thinking about that morning jog.
Tip 2 - Set your alarm clock...
on the other side of the room.
If you're one of those sleepers more likely to hit the snooze button or shut off the alarm before returning to the land of slumber, put your alarm clock well out of reach.
If you have to get out of bed to shut it off, you're much more likely to stay up.
I've even seen alarm clocks that are in a ball.
When it goes off, it starts rolling around the room.
Starting the day off with an alarm clock chase might just help get you in the mood for running.
Tip 3 - Get to bed early...
or take an afternoon nap.
If you need to wake up earlier to fit in your morning run, your body will demand the amount of sleep it is used to receiving.
Make sure you give it enough daily sleep by going to bed a little earlier.
If that's not working for you, perhaps you can work in a little afternoon siesta.
Tell your boss about the research that shows that people who nap during the day are more productive than their non-napping counterparts.
Tip 4 - Recruit a running buddy.
If your alarm clock just won't get you there, perhaps a running partner knocking at your door at 5 am will get you going.
If meeting at home doesn't work, just making the commitment to run with somebody else may be enough to make you stick to your plans.
Set the schedule with your running buddy, and agree to stick with it.
Tip 5 - Get some quick energy.
First thing in the morning, you probably won't have much stored energy available for jogging.
I usually feel like I'm running on empty first thing in the morning so I grab a quick and light snack for some fast energy.
Good healthy choices are things like a banana, a fruit smoothy or a bowl of cereal.
These move quickly into my system giving me enough energy to last the run.
Avoid heavy foods rich in protein or fat as these will take too much energy to digest and may leave you feeling even worse.
Try incorporating some or all of these tips to help you get going in the morning.
Running for fitness is a great way to start the day.
You'll likely feel better getting your day going after a run than you do on non-running mornings.
Your body will thank you for it too.