Video Transcript
So it has been ten minutes so I am going to turn my oven up to 450 degrees. That is really hot. Now let's take a lot of bread and work with it a little more and get it ready to go in although we are having pizza. Let's bring our bread out again for our final look. You can see it has risen quite a bit. When I put this in it was half this size. So what I am going to do now is take the ring off again. I have already washed my hands so I am just going to punch this down. Take my hands like this and knock all the air out of it because we don't want the big huge holes while it is baking. I am just going to take my fists, smash this down, flip my bowl over and it should fall right out and it does. The thing is that this side with the oil on it is going to be kind of sticky so we are going to make sure that we have our flour here which we do and we are going to lay that side down on the flour. Now what we need to do is we need to knead this just enough, see this side has kind of a leathery dry skin about it so we want to roll the dough back over on top of it. We want to get that inside and get the nice soft part on the outside. Roll those pieces over like this, roll this piece in like this, roll this piece in like this. Also what we are going to do is we are going to try to work all of that air out of our dough by kneading it. You can see that now it is really nice and really smooth and really great looking bread dough. Now our next step is going to involve us shaping it and getting it ready to go.