Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Quick Tips For Better Skin and Fewer Wrinkles

Top tips to protect your skin
  • The best way to keep your skin healthy is to avoid sun exposure.
    UV radiation also can pass through water, so don't assume you're safe if you're in the water and feeling cool.
  • Use sunscreen everyday.
    A higher number means longer protection.
    Real mineral makeup contains Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide which provides a natural SPF of 15.
  • Wear protective clothing.
    A hat with a wide brim shades your neck, ears, eyes, and head.
  • Avoid artificial tanning.
  • Check your skin often.
Skin Facts Your skin does many things including protecting you from the environment, regulating your body temperature, helping with fluid and electrolyte balance, and providing receptors for sensations such as touch, pain, and pressure.
Although skin has many layers, it can be generally divided into three main portions.
The outer portion (epidermis) contains skin cells, pigment, and proteins.
The middle portion (dermis) contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and oil glands.
The dermis provides nutrients to the epidermis.
Your skin changes as you age.
You'll notice wrinkles, age spots and dryness.
Your skin can also become thinner and loses fat, making it less plump and smooth.
Sunlight is a major cause of skin aging.
You can protect yourself by staying out of the sun when it is strongest, using sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding sunlamps and tanning beds.
Cigarette smoking also contributes to wrinkles.
The wrinkling increases with the amount of cigarettes and number of years a person has smoked.
Over time, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) light damages the fibers in the skin called elastin.
Wrinkles form after the breakdown of these fibers.
This breakdown causes the skin to lose its ability to snap back after stretching.
Gravity also causes the skin to pull and sag, primarily on the face, neck, and upper arms.
As you age, the loss of sweat and oil glands worsen dry skin.
Dehydration, sun exposure, smoking, and stress also can also cause dry skin.
The most common treatment for dry skin is moisturizers.
These moisturizers are used to reduce water loss and soothe the skin.
You may need to apply them frequently to relieve the signs and symptoms of dryness.
Moisturizers should be used indefinitely to prevent recurrence of dry skin.
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