Business & Finance Blogging

Money Making Blogs - 5 Steps to Getting There

Money making blogs are something that did not happen by accident.
However there are way too many people who are earning money from their blogs to think that it could not happen to you.
In this article we'll take a look at six steps you can take to developing money making blogs of your own.
Choose a good niche.
Niche blogs are extremely important today.
This allows you to target a smaller portion of a larger market.
It also allows you to become more successful quicker because there is less competition in a smaller niche.
An example of a niche blog would be how to become a blog writer.
As opposed to developing a writing website on the many different ways of making money writing, you choose to target the specific niche of blog writing.
Pick quality products.
You cannot make any money if the products you represent are not of the highest quality.
Thankfully there are many products available in affiliate marketing that you can sell.
If you don't find a quality product that you're happy with you can always create one yourself.
Information products are excellent ways to make money selling something on your blog.
Also the Google AdSense program is another excellent product to add to your money making blog.
This is easy money and you get paid when people click on the ads provided to you by Google.
Add content and a lot of it.
Work at keeping your content coming in on a consistent basis.
Add useful content that people find interesting.
Do other things such as add controversy or humor in your blog articles as well.
Your goal is to develop a group of loyal readers as well as have search engines ranking you well for your blog articles.
Social bookmark your blog posts.
This helps get traffic to your blog from the various social directories you bookmark too.
These also serve as spider bait for search engines to find your blog articles.
Work at getting backlinks every way you can.
A backlink is when you have a link on somebody else's site pointing back to your blog.
The more of these you have online the more potential traffic it can mean for you.
Focus and once you are making money add a second blog.
Don't make the mistake of starting too many blogs at one time.
A better strategy is to follow the five steps listed above until you are making money.
Then add another blog and repeat the process.
If you stick to this outline you will find money making blogs much easier to achieve.
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