I see so many people who don't give their body enough attention to help them play great golf.
You can play great golf and enjoy the game immensely if you spend some time on improving your body's physical fitness to allow your body to perform the necessary movements for an effective golf swing.
Over the decades there has been an increase in popularity in golf which then means the production of high-tech equipment and training devices.
Golfers are searching for that magical golf club that will aid them in improving their golf game.
With all of this technology has there been a significant improvement in the average handicap? I would like you to tell me! What is the most important tool in the game of golf? It is YOU! When working on improving your game, you will spend the money on golf clubs, spend the time on having lessons and practicing what you have learnt which is fantastic, you should be practicing.
But, how much time are you spending on improving the physicalities of your body, such as strength and fitness to improve the efficiencies in your swing? If you were spending just a quarter of the time you would spend on the golf course improving your body to make it an efficient tool then guess what? You would be able to maintain positions through the golf swing, you would be able get more accuracy, distance and consistency.
Isn't that what all golfers are on the search for with their game? Distance, Accuracy & Consistency.
I teach so many people who could really improve their game quite dramatically if they were to spend the time on improving their most valuable asset.
Their Body! This then leads me into talking about limiting the amount of injuries that may occur.
It is important when playing golf that you want to limit the amount of injuries when playing as much as you can as your important tool is not your Driver, it is YOU! So how do you protect your body from injury? The answer is, look after it through mobility exercises such as yoga, stability movements, balance and proprioception movements, strength and power movements.
I know what you are thinking oh my god do I have to do all of that too and also learn how to play? It won't take too much out of your day and how your body will benefit by you taking the time to look after it.
Not to mention how much better you will feel.
Too often people tend to practice and work on their strengths rather than what challenges them or what they find difficult.
Be one of those people who thrives on the challenges as you will be the one who will overtake the rest! There is so much equipment you can use such as your own body weight, tubing, cables, medicine balls, bosu, stability balls, swiss balls, cardio equipment and traditional weights.
But it is important that you don't limit yourself to one type of training methodolgy in your golf program.
Ensure that you are constantly on a progression of improving and challenging your body.
Always remember there are different skill sets involved in developing a well rounded golfing body.
When you begin a program you should ensure that you develop good balance, stability, mobility and basic strength before you upgrade to more advantageous movements.
Before you start your program seek advice of a fitness professional, preferably one who understands the mechanics of golf and always listen to your body and gradually progress through your program.
You will see amazing improvements whilst staying injury free.
You can play great golf and enjoy the game immensely if you spend some time on improving your body's physical fitness to allow your body to perform the necessary movements for an effective golf swing.
Over the decades there has been an increase in popularity in golf which then means the production of high-tech equipment and training devices.
Golfers are searching for that magical golf club that will aid them in improving their golf game.
With all of this technology has there been a significant improvement in the average handicap? I would like you to tell me! What is the most important tool in the game of golf? It is YOU! When working on improving your game, you will spend the money on golf clubs, spend the time on having lessons and practicing what you have learnt which is fantastic, you should be practicing.
But, how much time are you spending on improving the physicalities of your body, such as strength and fitness to improve the efficiencies in your swing? If you were spending just a quarter of the time you would spend on the golf course improving your body to make it an efficient tool then guess what? You would be able to maintain positions through the golf swing, you would be able get more accuracy, distance and consistency.
Isn't that what all golfers are on the search for with their game? Distance, Accuracy & Consistency.
I teach so many people who could really improve their game quite dramatically if they were to spend the time on improving their most valuable asset.
Their Body! This then leads me into talking about limiting the amount of injuries that may occur.
It is important when playing golf that you want to limit the amount of injuries when playing as much as you can as your important tool is not your Driver, it is YOU! So how do you protect your body from injury? The answer is, look after it through mobility exercises such as yoga, stability movements, balance and proprioception movements, strength and power movements.
I know what you are thinking oh my god do I have to do all of that too and also learn how to play? It won't take too much out of your day and how your body will benefit by you taking the time to look after it.
Not to mention how much better you will feel.
Too often people tend to practice and work on their strengths rather than what challenges them or what they find difficult.
Be one of those people who thrives on the challenges as you will be the one who will overtake the rest! There is so much equipment you can use such as your own body weight, tubing, cables, medicine balls, bosu, stability balls, swiss balls, cardio equipment and traditional weights.
But it is important that you don't limit yourself to one type of training methodolgy in your golf program.
Ensure that you are constantly on a progression of improving and challenging your body.
Always remember there are different skill sets involved in developing a well rounded golfing body.
When you begin a program you should ensure that you develop good balance, stability, mobility and basic strength before you upgrade to more advantageous movements.
Before you start your program seek advice of a fitness professional, preferably one who understands the mechanics of golf and always listen to your body and gradually progress through your program.
You will see amazing improvements whilst staying injury free.