Health & Medical Men's Health

Gynecomastia Treatment Or Getting Rid Of Man Breasts

Gynecomastia or 'male boobs' is a term used to describe the excessively large breasts in males.
Gynecomastia can be normally found in the new born babies.
This is due to transfer of some female hormones from the mother; if found in the adolescence or elderly people, it is abnormal.
The main reason for gynecomastia is still not completely understood.
It is thought that it is a result of an imbalance in the normal ratio of sex hormones in an individual.
These hormones are: 1.
Estrogens (The female hormones) and 2.
Androgens (The male hormones).
Gynecomastia can result in many of the known metabolic disorders.
Some drugs are also responsible for the development of this condition in males.
These include the drugs like fusemide (a diuretic) or digoxin (a sympathomimetic).
Gynecomastia is different from the normally observed muscle hypertrophy of chest muscles found in people performing regular exercises like the swimmers.
TYPES OF GYNECOMASTIA: Gynecomastia can be classified according to the distribution of fat in the chest tissues: 1.
Confined to aerola:
The most common type of gynecomastia observed is the one which remains confined only to the aerola.
There is the glandular tissue accumulation under the aerolar tissue which gives it a puffy appearance.
Glandular gynecomastia:
This type of gynecomastia is the one commonly seen in the body builders and wrestlers.
It is a result of the anabolic steroid use to build up the body muscles.
These steroids contain an excessive amount of the testosterone in them.
This testosterone is converted into estrogen, thus leading to this condition.
Congenital or hereditary gynecomastia:
Congenital or hereditary gynecomastia is found typically in boys ranging from the ages 12 to 18.
Most of the times it settles down with age, while in some cases, it persists for life.
Adult gynecomastia:
This one is also among the most common forms of gynecomastia seen.
Its extent varies according to the varying degrees of the glandular, adipose and fibrous tissue involvement.
This type of gynecomastia comprises only of the adipose tissue and not the glandular tissue.
It is also known as the 'false gynecomastia'.
It is mostly related to obesity.
Asymmetrical gynecomastia:
It is also called as the 'unilateral gynecomastia'; in this case, only one breast becomes enlarged compared to the other.
Severe gynecomastia:
As the name indicates, it refers to the severely enlarged breasts in males.
It is mostly found in the old age.
TREATMENT: There are surgical treatment options available for the management of gynecomastia.
They vary according to the types of gynecomastia.
The glandular gynecomastia found in body builders can be treated by surgical removal of the breast tissue.
Sometimes, liposuction may be necessary.
Pseudogynecomastia can be effectively treated by the diet modification and exercise.
If this fails, then the surgical intervention should be considered.
Liposuction has shown very successful results in treating the pseudogynecomastia.
Severe gynecomastia is also treated using the surgical intervention.
Some medicines are also helpful in treating gynecomastia, but they are not the preferred choice as compared to surgery.
These are called the 'selective estrogen receptor modulator' medicines.
These include: 1.
Tamoxifen 2.
Clomiphene 3.
Androgens Gynecomastia is physically not a harmful condition for the patient, but if present, it should not be left unnoticed, as sometimes it can be an indication of some underlying serious disorder like testicular cancer.
At other times, it may be just physiological.
The treatment depends upon the patient's choice; some people do not mind it and want to go along with it if there is no underlying pathology; while the others go for the surgical treatment even if it is harmless but due to their personal and social concerns.
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